About me

Hi there. It’s always awkward writing these so I’ll keep it simple. My name is Brandi-Ann Uyemura. Everyone, but my grandma calls me, “Brandi.” I was born and raised on the island of Oahu, and I’m a gosei or fifth generation Japanese American. My mom grew up on a sugar plantation on Kauai. I love writing about my culture, and sharing what it’s like being raised in this part of the world.

I’ve been telling stories for 17 years now. I have a masters in counseling psychology and have been a self-help junkie since middle school. I’ve written nonfiction pieces for a bunch of places, but I love writing essays. You might see my byline in pubs like Spirituality & HealthWhole Life TimesThe WriterMother.lyRaising MothersLiterary Mama, The Daily Positive, and more. I have also ghostwritten pieces, which have been published in Yoga Journal, MindBodyGreen, and USNews.com. I’ve also had the honor in being published in books like Untangle Your Mind, Twelve Steps of Hope and Tiny Buddha, Simple Wisdom for Life’s Hard Questions. 

Me as a kid on the Big Island.

I’ve been writing for children since I was a child. In 2020 I lucked out big and won a PB Chat mentorship where I got to learn from award-winning author Andrea Wang. Long story short, I sold my first picture book, landed my agent Tricia Lawrence with Erin Murphy Literary and my long-awaited picture book is finally coming out in summer 2025!



11 Comments on “About me

  1. Pingback: Guest Post: Be a Stand Out Person
  2. Hi Brandi-Ann:

    Very nice site, and congratulations on being the “Bag A Writer” highlighted freelancer!



  3. I am reading the current “O” mag and if you are the Brandi-Ann on page 20, I’d just like to say that your wish for a superpower that would allow you to respond to any situation with complete compassion had me saying “YES”, that’s the one I have been looking for also. Thanks for putting it so beautifully.

  4. Hi Jen! Wow how did you find it so fast? I didn’t get a copy, but looking forward to seeing the January issue. Thank you for your thoughtful comment and for finding me!

  5. I also just was reading the current “O” magazine and felt compelled to comment about your answer to the Superpower…. That was the answer for me and all time…. thank you so much!!!!

  6. Thank you Stephanie! Never got such a response from something so short that I did. But I get it! Learning to be compassionate is something we all need to be reminded of…especially me. Thanks so much for taking the time to remind me of that. ~Sincerely, Brandi

  7. Your posts about writing are so encouraging! Thank you! I am currently trying to become a full time free lance writer and there have been times of doubt but your posts have encouraged me to get started again!

  8. It’s so nice to get comments like yours! I’m so happy that my posts are encouraging you. Good luck in your pursuit as a freelance writer. If you need more motivation, I also write a blog to inspire others to pursue their dreams at http://TheInspiringBee.com. Thanks again Jessica!

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