
Christmas Gift Giveaway for Creatives

Book Giveway

I’ve been blogging here for 4 years and in that time, the gifts I’ve received from starting this blog has far exceeded the time and effort it’s taken to keep it up.

  • I’ve connected with other like-minded writerly friends.
  • It’s widened my exposure helping new clients to find me when I lived in the Bay Area, California and now as a freelance writer in Hawaii.
  • It’s sharpened my writing skills.
  • It’s given me a platform to help other writers.
  • And it’s been the portfolio by which I’ve landed a column for The Writer magazine, and various other writing endeavors.

In the last 6 years that I’ve been working professionally as a writer, I’ve gained insight, wisdom, skills and most importantly-gratitude. And I’m always looking to pay it forward.

Recently, I was inspired by bestselling author Steven Pressfield’s interview on Super Soul Sunday. I began tweeting, blogging and updating my Facebook page about it. Oettinger & Associates, Inc. who works with Pressfield contacted and offered to send me a few books after reading this post. I was thrilled and even more surprised when I received a box of books several weeks later.

I’m anxious to start reading his work from occult book The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles to TurningPro: Tap Your Inner Power and Create Your Life’s Work and The Authentic Swing: Notes from the Writing of a First Novel. But I got even more excited at the thought of sharing it with all of you.

As a gift to those who’ve commented, tweeted, and liked any of my posts (and you know who you are), thank you! Thank you for encouraging this writer to keep writing when things get rough, when it feels like no one cares. You keep me going. I’d love for all of you to receive this gift.

Since I can only give 1 person this 3 book bundle, you need to comment, tweet (make sure you add @TheInspiringBee so I can catch it), or like this post this whole week and I’ll enter you in. Each time you share this giveaway on a different social media outlet, you’ll get another entry.

Thanks guys! Really and sincerely. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t keep blogging here. So thank you!


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