Photo by: Onion
I’ve already listed “What Being a Writer Has Taught Me” in an earlier post, but one thing I didn’t mention was how it has changed me.
See, I’m a shy person. As a grad student in Counseling Psychology I took the Myers-Briggs personality test which only confirmed my introverted-ness. Yet, when I put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard I’m suddenly transformed. Kind of like superman with his cape I guess. It makes me “more powerful than a locomotive and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.” Well, maybe only in my dreams. But it does get me to walk straight up to a US congressman and interview random people passing by.
In high school, I won an award for a piece I wrote for the newspaper. It wasn’t for my word whizzing skills or for my ability to evoke strong emotion in our readers. I actually won because of my determination to get the story. The story was about helping high school students obtain part-time jobs and I interviewed everyone from a McDonald’s manager to a HR manager at a department store called Liberty House.
I don’t know what gives me the chutzpah to go out there and make a fool out of myself. Except for maybe the fact that I love a good story. And it’s something about the process of writing and researching transforms me from a chihuahau into a bull dog.
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