Writing - Writing Topics

Should Only Great Writers Be Allowed to Write?

{Etsy key chain by riskybeads}
{Etsy key chain by riskybeads}

I hope not because I’d cringe over my early parcels of prose. And whether I consider myself to be a “great” writer on any given day may force me to close up shop.

Yet many people (disgruntled writers, elitist writers, etc.) may persuade you otherwise. In fact, that writer may be you. If you’re waiting for your portfolio to catch up with the title, you’ll be waiting forever. Anyway, the writer you are today is much better than who you were yesterday.

It’s a rare few who enter this world brimming with talent.  Most of us have to learn the hard way, with time and lots of work.

In Right to Write, author Julia Cameron argues with one of these elitist writers who believes only real writers should write. In response she beautifully and powerfully says the following:

“I am arguing that the term ‘writer’ should be abolished. I am arguing that everybody should write. That we should have a million amateur writers making novels just for the hell of it. Hell, we all begin as amateurs. Have you forgotten that?”

It’s your right to write no matter what stage you’re at. Writing is not easy and yet everyone can do it. The main determinant is if you have passion for the craft. If you can do it when filled with self-doubt or are uninspired or blocked you are a writer. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

The process of writing, the freedom that it engenders, the internal change that occurs when you’re able to put words onto paper, this is your right. Don’t let anyone take that away from you. Whether you’re doing it as a job, a hobby or a way to express your creative self, keep on doing it.

The answer of course is, “No.” Who gets to decide what is “great” anyway? If we were to all write (in a journal, in a blog, etc.), we may be more conscious, reflective people.

It takes courage to write. Be brave fellow writers and continue on the journey. And if you should be filled with advice/suggestions/positive affirmation for other writers reading this, leave your hopeful words for appreciative readers below.


2 Comments on “Should Only Great Writers Be Allowed to Write?

  1. I love how positive and encouraging you are, Brandi. This message extends beyond our profession of writing. Don’t let anyone dictate what you can and cannot do. Labels are for the unimaginative. Life is full of possibilities so why not grab one. 🙂

  2. Aw thanks Cathy! And I agree. It’s an important reminder to follow the beat of your own drum-whatever that may be.

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