• Rejection - Writer Challenges

    All is Well (Even Your Writing)

    Tweet Pastor Joel Osteen says in one of his television sermons, “All is well.” I’m not religious, but I think his wise words can be applied to writing. That essay you wrote and completed, but haven’t found an outlet has a purpose. It works the same way for the poem you wrote as an angst teen. And although an agent hasn’t yet shown interest in your work, it doesn’t mean you should toss your manuscript yet. One thing I wish for other writers (and myself) is that they would enjoy the process of writing itself. These days we put too…

  • Writer Tips

    Why All Writing is Good Writing (even the bad ones)

    Tweet What you write is worth the effort. Even if it never gets published. Anywhere. Even if not a single person lays their eyes upon it. Even if no one emails you, calls you or messages you that it’s the best thing they’ve ever written. It’s worth it even if it’s the worst thing you’ve ever wrote. Even if it follows hundreds of rejection slips. Even if it’s tucked in a drawer, never leaves your computer or your laptop. It’s worth it simply for the act of writing itself. Let your words write itself. Don’t judge it. Don’t tear it…