Dreams - Writer Issues Solved

What a Psychic Told Me About Freelancing

I had somewhat of a revelation tonight, which is why I’m fighting back droopy eyes and fatigue to stay up and finish this post. I went to a psychic-something I have done in the past, partly because I believe in it and also because as a writer doubt creeps in and out of my life and I need the validation.

I’m glad I went because what she said really got under my skin.

I was anticipating sunny, glowing tarot cards predicting wealth and a prosperous future (really I was). But my enthusiasm was quickly quelled when I saw dark cards appearing out of nowhere.

Where was my happy and successful freelance future?

After the letdown, the psychic told me that my negative self-talk was sabotaging my success. Yep, that pretty much hit me where it hurt.

As a freelancer, have you ever just had one of those days? Or a whole row of them? Times when you worry if you’ll ever make it? Wonder if you’ll be able to pay the bills?

When a single negative thought becomes an outpour of pessimistic thinking, you need to stop, readjust and fill your head with hope and possibility instead.

The awakening moment for me came when she then asked, “What would happen if you stopped worrying?”

She then had me pick another card.

You won’t believe what I got!


That was enough to get me from under the gray clouds and back into the ray of sunshine. If you’re having trouble with hope too, find ways to create a brighter future by adding reminders:

  1. I get newsletters from positive sites like Beliefnet.com
  2. Read old emails/letters from satisfied customers
  3. Meditate
  4. Take a break
  5. Talk about it with supportive friends and fellow freelancers

Now it’s your turn.

What do you do keep freelancing blues at bay?


5 Comments on “What a Psychic Told Me About Freelancing

  1. I think I get insecure at least once a day. 🙂 Inspiring blogs and quotes definitely help. Love this post!

  2. I’ve been freelancing for many years. Insecurity comes with the territory. What do I do when it pops up? Feel insecure for a bit and then shake it off by telling myself I’ve gotten this far, I can go farther. Okay, and I go bake or cook something to get instant gratification.
    ~ a fellow Blogathoner 🙂

  3. Hi Susie! Nice to see another blogathoner here. Isn’t it great?! Baking and cooking are great tips. Anything to get your mind focus on something else. Exercise helps me too!

  4. Hi Su-sieee! Mac.

    Glad to see you fellow Blogathoner! Love your tips. Will definitely try cooking/baking to take my mind off insecurity. I find cleaning helps too. You get to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

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