Essays - Published work

Writing About Life

I have a passion for writing essays. Maybe it started as my love for writing in diaries. I had a Hello Kitty one that came with a tiny padlock and key. As I got older, I began writing for a local newspaper in columns like, “The Goddess Speaks.” Anyone from Hawaii remember the Honolulu Star-Bulletin?

Embarrassingly, I found one of my old essays here.

Anyway, it’s admittedly my favorite genre because I’m a sensitive INFJ and I usually don’t get too many negative comments on essays. And I can publish them freely. Editors are kind when they reject me. And I can do it as I will.

I’ll be sharing them as I get them published.

A few years ago, I did the craziest thing: I held multiple garage sales. The effort paid off. Not financially, of course, but because of all the gems that came from the back breaking work of perusing old dusty things.

If you are or have gone through loss, have ever been insane enough to hold a garage sale, or just curious about what I’m talking about, you can read the full essay here.


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