Freelance Writing

A Chat with Famous Freelancer Jordan E. Rosenfeld

Jordan RosenfeldWhen you’re staring at a blank screen all day and listening to nothing but the sound of time passing by, it’s difficult to be a freelance writer. Then you get days like today. By some stroke of luck I had the chance to connect with one of my writing idols. Can you imagine my excitement when contributing editor and columnist for Writer’s Digest magazine and fiction writer Jordan E. Rosenfeld invited me (!!!) to chat with her over tea and dreams? Yeah, pretty surreal! Fortunately I got some of her inspiring words down here, which I think is great advice for new writers.

What turned you on to writing?

I wish I could actually pinpoint the moment, the inspiration, but truthfully I’ve been writing since I learned how. I really do subscribe to that idea that everyone has a special talent in this life, and that some are lucky enough to find it. Mine is writing. It’s ALL I’m good at (well, and its offshoots, like editing). What I wouldn’t give to be good at sports, or a master chef, or a visual artist! But writing seized me. I have journals I kept that begin at age 8, which is also when I started writing stories. I do come from a family of avid readers, so perhaps that’s where the seed was planted. All I ever wanted to do my whole life was write.

How did you get your start as a freelance writer?

Through the back door, my favorite route! I had co-edited/produced a women’s magazine with a college friend. That gave me my first “clips.” After that, I was lucky to be on the end of a call for writers for a local newspaper after I graduated from college. I wrote a ton for them, then for the magazine they launched and by then I’d gotten my training wheels off and decided I would approach bigger (and better paying) publications. I just widened my “local” focus a little bigger and so on, until I landed my first national publication (which was Writer’s Digest magazine).

Does the fear and anxiety that comes with writing ever go away?  If not, how do you deal with it so that it doesn’t sabotage your writing?

I would say that the fear/anxiety changes over time, and is different for every writer. In the beginning there’s more fear around impressing your editors. Later on, if you become established, there’s more fear about keeping a steady flow of assignments…and I don’t know that the fear of being found to be inadequate ever fully goes away. For me, the crucible of deadline pressure always wins over the anxiety. And strangely, since my first child was born 16 mos ago, I don’t experience nearly the same level of anxiety that I once did. I think children make you realize there’s more serious things to be anxious about than an article!

Do you think in this economy it’s still possible to make a living as a full-time freelance writer?

I want to be Ms. Optimism, but I have to answer honestly that I don’t know. I think if the writer is savvy about how publishing is changing (i,e. the transition from print to online), uses social networks wisely, blogs and does about 4x as much “hustle” as several years before, then yes, probably. I think every freelance writer needs to have several layers of projects going at all times, though. You have to be able to multi-task. For me, I also edit manuscripts, and teach online classes as well as write.

You’ve told me that “you don’t have to be somebody special to be a great writer,” but what do you think is necessary to be not only a great writer but a successful one?

You must be: Blindly persistent. An auto-didact (a self-teacher). Flexible. Resilient. Willing to keep learning and changing as needed.

Anything you’d like others to know about yourself or about your services?

Well, I’m rather fond of these online writing classes that I teach, which can be found at: My most popular class is called “Fiction’s Magic Ingredient.” There’s still room in the November, 2009 session! They’re mostly teaching fictional techniques, but I’ve got some non-fiction classes in the works. Also I do edit fiction and non-fiction manuscripts and come with references.

Thank you so much for hosting me here!

Thanks Jordan!  For more information on her classes, and insightful tips for writers, check out Jordan’s website Make a Scene.


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