• Freelance Writing

    How an Art School Student Became a Freelance Writer

    This may be late breaking news for those who already read this, but I L-O-V-E stories about how writers became writers. When writer and blogger Charyn Pfeuffer tweeted me from @charynpfeuffer and later emailed me about her personal journey to freelance writing, I was smitten. I asked if she would let me share her story with you here. Happily she agreed. Although we all have our own individual paths that led us to writing, there is a common bond that we all share-passion, wild determination and a quiet knowing that this is the right career. You’ll find it all in her message below.…

  • Magazine

    What Inspires Other Writers?

    It’s not forests, vast fields of sunflowers or grand mountaintops that does it for some writers. You may be surprised by how easily inspiration can be garnered. In my latest article for The Writer magazine, I investigated where a handful of writers found their source of inspiration. It was not the answer I expected. But one I completely agree with. You can read the article here.

  • Holidays

    Valentine for Writers

    I’m sure you’ve read enough posts, articles and books to make you feel insignificant and insecure as writer. While most advice is given with good intention and can provide necessary tutelage for the beginning writer, over a period of time they can make you feel like you’re doing everything wrong and incapable of doing anything right. Just for one day, why not let loose ends lay? Instead of worrying, defending, cowering in the shadow of another un-dotted i and crossed t, give yourself a break. For Valentine’s Day, instead of roses, balloons and a box of mystery chocolates, give yourself…

  • Writer Challenges - Writing Topics

    Why Do You Write?

    Do you write because it’s your secret platform for venting and free expression? Do you write because it’s the one thing you’re good at? Do you write because you can’t imagine not writing? Or is it simply your career? Your main source of income. Your livelihood. The reason why I ask is that remembering why we write is important. When we’re in the trenches, when writing feels like walking in slowly sinking sand, it’s easy to want to give up. But the one rescue line, the key to pulling us out of desperation and dismay is to remember why we’re…

  • Writer Challenges - Writer Issues Solved - Writer Tips

    Take That Negative Feedback

    One of my favorite blogs Young House Love wrote an honest and helpful post on Dealing With Criticism the other day. While I’m one of their long time loyal fans, I found this last one so inspiring simply because of how applicable their post was to not just blogging, or even writing, but life itself. How often do you crumble to the ground when you receive negative feedback? Being a writer takes guts. It takes courage to write your thoughts on paper and then an extraordinary amount of resilience to brace yourself when the crap comes. Because it will. If…

  • Fiction - Writing

    Creative Thoughts on Creating Fiction

    When I was frantic last week, a few fiction writers graciously helped me out. And so did an article I picked up today. As I side note: Did you ever notice that answers come when you ask the right questions? The surprising source was one of my favorite home decor magazines, Coastal Living. In their November 2011 issue, Million Dollar Decorators star Kathryn Ireland answers a few decorator question. I skimmed through them until I stopped at this: If you can’t make it out, it says: What are your rules for hanging art so that it looks pleasing and not…

  • Fiction - Writer Challenges - Writing

    Fiction Anxiety – Help!

    I’m venturing into an unfamiliar territory. Fiction. Ack! Talk about anxiety. Fellow fiction writers I welcome your input on this one. Anyway, I let my husband read passages from it every once in awhile. And while I wait, I try to appear calm, but I’m really scrutinizing every eye movement, every shift in his position. What I got from him this time scared the bejeezus out of me. “It’s good. But I’m worried about one thing.” “What?” I asked. At this point, my mind went to horrible, bad plot, unbelievable characters, amateur storytelling. What he said was, “I’m worried that…

  • Freelance Writers - Writer Challenges - Writing Topics

    Who Do You Surround Yourself With?

    When I first started my career as a full-time freelance writer, I didn’t know what I was doing. I made a ton of mistakes. I still do. But in looking back, I realized I neglected one thing. Myself. I’ve been reading Julia Cameron’s classic book The Artist’s Way. It’s taught me how the decisions we make about who we bring into our lives can have a powerful impact on our creative as well as personal life. She says: “Whether they appear as your overbearing mothers, your manic boss, your needy friend, or your stubborn spouse, the crazymakers in your life…

  • Guest Blogs

    On Becoming a Writer

    I love hearing about the journey that prompted other writers to write. Some writers believe they were born with it-a passion for writing that began as soon as they learned how to write. For others, writing came later in life. Something spurred them to get words down on paper and their career took off from then. My guest blogger this week is author Jessica McCann. She’s another writer that I’ve admired from afar and it brings me great pleasure to share where her writing story began. It’s a good one! by: guest blogger One Saturday morning, not long ago, I…

  • Writer Resources

    Giving Away a Book on Happiness

    Hi guys! You may remember writer and editor Sarah Nagel who guest blogged for me last week. Well she’s recently published a book with Blue Mountain Arts called How to Be Happy No Matter What! and I’m happy to have been able to review her book. I’m also giving away a free copy of the book that I promise will help inspire you to keep writing. Just go here to find out the easy way you can enter.