• Author interviews - Expert Series

    Motivation and Inspiration With Author Susan Purvis

    I recorded this interview weeks ago and postponed it due to the racial tragedies and injustices that have impacted me deeply. To support the Black Lives Matter Movement, I have been speaking out on my social media platforms and will be making changes to this blog. You can read about my stance on The Inspiring Bee, but I will be posting here as well. Thank you for your understanding while I figure out ways to serve you and what we’re all going through right now. Inspiration Conversation With Author, Speaker and Teacher Susan Purvis If you heard that an avalanche…

  • Author interviews - Expert Series - Fiction writing - Writer Resources

    Talking With Author Deb Hunter About Life, Developing Authentic Characters and Gaining Thousands of Social Media Followers

    Deb Hunter is a bright soul with a good heart. A southerner that you want to sit down on the porch and have a glass of iced tea with. She’s an author who follows the call of her passion which has led her to write her upcoming novel I’ll See You In My Dreams. She’s also a Stage IV cancer survivor with a heart of gold. Grateful doesn’t describe how I felt when I spoke to Deb. She’s so inspiring and a real sweetheart. She shares her writing schedule, what class has given her a deeper understanding of her characters, and…

  • Author interviews - Expert Series

    A Conversation With Memoirist Linda Strader

    Show Notes: If you’re interested in writing a memoir and getting it traditionally published, you need to get advice from someone whose been there. Linda Strader has not only written a memoir, but she’s done all the emotional work to write it, deal with the pain of reliving it and endured the 200 rejections to see it through to publication. Like Tara, Linda is one of the kindest, most genuine people I’ve had the honor of getting to know. I’m calling this a conversation because that’s how it feels when you talk to her. Linda is down to earth, humble and…

  • Author interviews - Expert Series - Writing Topics

    New Audio Interview with Writer, Editor, Mental Health & Chronic Illness Advocate Tara Mandarano

    I’ve been hearing a voice saying to me, “Do a podcast,” since last year. But why would I? I’m terrible at speaking. If it wasn’t for Tara, I wouldn’t have the courage. But Tara inspires courage not just in me. Her bold vulnerability, her passion, and the way she makes you feel less alone are all reasons why Tara is a writer to know. She’s a Best of the Net–nominated writer and editor and you may have read her work in The Washington Post, Huffington Post, and recently became an author as a contributor to new book Big: Stories About Life in…

  • Fiction - Fiction writing - Picture book writer - Writer Resources

    5 Ways to Make Your Writing Memorable

    Recently, I took a free Coursera course on “How to Craft Contagious Content.” The information was so compelling I realized that you could use it to write anything. Emotional. How many times have you received a rejection or a critique that your story wasn’t emotional? It didn’t have enough heart in it. This is the emotional pull that makes people keep reading or unable to turn away from the television during a commercial. What affects you on an emotional level is what you remember. A social worker once told my mother that while my grandmother wouldn’t remember details, she could…

  • Writer Resources

    Writing Resources to Take Advantage of Write Now

    Hawaii is in lockdown. Many of us are in shelter mode while we’re juggling normal daily tasks and the added joy of homeschooling our kids. It’s not easy to find the silver lining on days when the kids are not listening, jumping on beds, and oh yeah writing hasn’t happened in weeks.While you’re fantasizing about the freedom to sit in a coffee shop, here are a few good things going on now. And don’t we all need good news? Writer’s Digest free tutorials for a month. Always wanted to learn how to write the best middle-grade query or develop a…

  • Expert Series

    Author Interview with Paulette Perhach

    I first heard about Paulette Perhach through her popular book Welcome to the Writer’s Life. It was one of those writer books that I couldn’t stop talking about on Twitter and Instagram. Filled with writerly tips for writers at every stage, it was also surprisingly fun to read. Every ounce of her book oozes with personality, which is how Perhach writes-like you know her, like you’re one of her bestfriends. This is why I was ecstatic when she agreed to be interviewed, I knew it would be helpful and loads of fun! In your Yoga Journal article, “How I Became a Front-Row…

  • Writer Issues Solved - Writer Tips

    Getting Past Pandemic Fear to Help You Write

    There’s legitimate fear in the air and it’s not just for us anxiety prone writers. Yes working at home and cancelled events may give you more time to work on your novel, but it’s also being monopolized by worries: Financial, Health, Familial. While I don’t have the magic wand to dissolve our global fear right now, I can offer solutions and maybe even hope, which is not readily available these days. I know. I’ve looked. So here it is. It might not be much. But I hope it helps a little. Turn off the news and limit social media.  This…

  • Writing Contests - Writing Topics

    Here’s What I Learned From #PitMad and Other Writing Contests

    Lately, I’ve been really into all these Twitter writing contests. And learned that while I love a good photo on Instagram, Twitter with it’s purely wordy platform is where it’s at. This could be why I have more Twitter followers and why I’m still figuring out being a writer on Instagram. I’ve also been entering writing contests like crazy. For months I’ve been pitching, querying and entering. And here’s what I learned. If you’re new to the entering Twitter and writing contests game, you’ll want to read this. You need to get your ducks in order way before the deadline.  Sometimes…

  • Expert Series

    5 Ways to Boost your Writing Productivity

    Guest post by: Level Up author Rochelle Melander My first book came out twenty years ago. For years I’ve juggled coaching, editing, writing, teaching, parenting, and having a life. And even though I’ve gotten better at managing my time, I’m finding it increasingly more difficult to get it all done. My clients face the same struggles. As they strive to run their businesses as coaches, consultants and freelance writers as well as building a platform and promoting their books—they struggle to find time to write. Why is it so hard? Writers have always had to manage writing and promoting. Most…