• For Entrepreneurs

    Guest Posting for Elance

    Tweet Happy Veterans Day and 11/11/11! I’ve been a busy bee. My latest article for Elance is on preventing small business burnout-a must-read for writers too. I’ve listed 4 tips to get you inspired, motivated and keep your ideas fresh. Not too mention keeping you cool too. Here it is… Have a great weekend!

  • For Entrepreneurs - Writer Issues Solved - Writer Tips

    Is Your Well, Well Empty?

    Tweet {flickr} What did you do today? And the day before?  How much of your time was spent working? How much time did you spend on simply enjoying your life? These questions are not merely questions of curiosity, but self-preservation. In The Right to Write by Julia Cameron talks about the “well.” A fitting word to describe what we expect to be an unlimited reservoir of inspiration. But we often fail to fill ourselves up. I describe the effect as a dried out sponge. Just weeks ago I complained to my life coach that I felt like a sad orange.…

  • For Entrepreneurs - Writer Challenges

    Tame That Ego

    Tweet {photo} When you’re working with someone else, there will come a time when you’ll wonder why the heck you ever decided to work for yourself in the first place. I’ve heard it from fellow entrepreneurs who’s ego got beaten by constant criticisms and demands placed on them by unsatisfied customers. I’ve went through it myself. Time. And time again. The thing is… You can’t buy perfect. You can’t bottle it up and serve it on a fancy shiny silver platter. It just doesn’t exist. But sometimes you’re placed in a situation where a client believes that in exchange for…

  • For Entrepreneurs - Writer Resources - Writer Tips

    Quick Tips for Writers & Entrepreneurs

    Tweet {photo} I’ve been slowed down a bit, but a mountain of obstacles that have suddenly flooded my productivity levels. What’s all this drama about? For some reason, MacAfee (but no other security alert programs) decided to flag my website as a potential security risk. I’ve emailed them and hopefully the issue will sort itself out. There is no risk here people! In addition, I’ve been working on a newspaper article, a magazine article, web content for someone inspiring, on top of my day job. All good stuff. But it makes it hard to keep this up. Which explains why…

  • For Entrepreneurs

    Quick Writing Tips for Entrepreneurs

    Tweet {photo} One of the things I enjoy doing is helping entrepreneurs get clear about their writing ideas. It’s something we all struggle with. Even writers get baffled when it comes to writing sometimes, especially if it’s about them. If you’ve been spending months on the same copy are stuck on what to write about on your website, here is a quick tip to help you get started. Remove Extraneous Words (Like extraneous.) I love fun, cute, descriptive words too. But when people are searching your site, they’re looking for the meat of what you do. That doesn’t mean you…

  • Expert Series - For Entrepreneurs - Writer Challenges - Writer Issues Solved - Writer Tips

    5 Social Media and Common Author Mistakes You Might Be Making

    Tweet {photo by} You’ve worked really hard on writing that book, conceiving a new idea or blogging, but you still haven’t seen results with your efforts. Literary agent Kevin Small who I interviewed in part I of this post, sets us straight this time with the unintentional mistakes you could be making that’s sabotaging your career. 1. You’re undisciplined. Yikes. Has Mr. Small been reading my blogs? Yes, folks. He didn’t quite say that us writers are “lazy.” In fact, he said he wouldn’t use that word, but that we have a tendency to be “undisciplined.” I would like to…

  • For Entrepreneurs - Freelance Writers

    How to Motivate Yourself to Keep Going

    Tweet I don’t know what your mother, father, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, friend told you, but freelancing is hard. Writing is hard. And so is starting your own business. With Memorial Day coming up, I thought it apropos to start the weekend off right, by composing a list of a few must-dos that’s 100% light and fun without the heavy sugary carbs to weigh you down. Reward Yourself Remember when you were a kid and your parents gave you an allowance or took you out for ice-cream on account of good behavior? Don’t ya miss those times? I’m betting that…

  • Business of Freelance Writing - For Entrepreneurs - Freelance Writers

    What to Do When You Get a Bad Review

    Tweet {flickr photo by: khaybe} Just last week I read an author’s tweet about her lackluster review on a movie based on her book. And several weeks before that, a writer expressed her frustrating over feedback from an article she wrote. Bad reviews are a part of life. They can happen whether you are a writer, entrepreneur or a 9 to 5 employee. I certainly have had my fair share. But what do you do about them? {Besides run under the covers and hide.} Basically, you have 3 options: a) Sulk b) Quit c) Suck it up I’d opt for the…

  • Business of Freelance Writing - For Entrepreneurs

    Top 10 Signs Your Busyness is Unproductive

    Tweet {flickr photo by: iamyung} Your schedule is already book for the rest of the month. You get to just 3 out of 10 goals you have for the week. You find yourself using the weekend to catch up on all of the work that you didn’t finish on the weekdays. Does that sound like you? You may be busy, but that busyness may have nothing to do with having a productive business. In fact, you may be filling time with unnecessary tasks that are hurting instead of helping your business. I was writing a post over at my other blog…

  • Blogging - Copywriting - For Entrepreneurs - Social Media

    The Key to Long Lasting Online Relationships? Adding Your Personal Touch

    Tweet {flickr photo by: rent-a-moose} Last week, I wrote two blog posts for the site I work for and it surprisingly did well. My article on 10 Tips for Healthy Living received 105 tweets and 88 Facebook likes. I also wrote a guest post for business writer Cathy Miller that got 21 comments. I wrote 5 Steps to Transform Your Life for Feelgooder.com, a Darren Rowse creation and it too received a lot of attention. I’ve been thinking about these articles and the ones I see online and I figured something out in the process. Here’s the secret I’ve discovered…