• Blogging

    Why Blogging Works

    I moan and groan about blogging every once in awhile. Keeping up with your posts while other higher priority projects build up feels harder at times than Keeping Up With the Kardashians. But I know that doing so is worth it. While every writer has different reasons why they blog or don’t blog, I’ve found the benefits to more than outweigh the costs. For example, some bloggers do it for the money. Others do it to draw potential clients/customers to their website. Some find the greatest benefit is the interaction they have with their readers. When I created this blog…

  • Blogging - Copywriting - Freelance Writing - Writer Tips

    *What a Feeling!

    Mediums That Move Me Last night I was bawling harder than I had been in a long time. Like a traffic accident, I was both glued to the TV screen and fighting to turn away. Indecisive about what I should do next, I finally decided to whip out my nifty remote control and put a pause on it instead. I was watching one of my favorite, but recently cancelled shows Little People, Big World. When I saw Matt Roloff cry in response to his eldest son leaving the coop, I lost it. The entire hour was a crying fest, one…

  • Blogging - Copywriting - For Entrepreneurs - Social Media

    The Key to Long Lasting Online Relationships? Adding Your Personal Touch

    {flickr photo by: rent-a-moose} Last week, I wrote two blog posts for the site I work for and it surprisingly did well. My article on 10 Tips for Healthy Living received 105 tweets and 88 Facebook likes. I also wrote a guest post for business writer Cathy Miller that got 21 comments. I wrote 5 Steps to Transform Your Life for Feelgooder.com, a Darren Rowse creation and it too received a lot of attention. I’ve been thinking about these articles and the ones I see online and I figured something out in the process. Here’s the secret I’ve discovered to…

  • Blogging - Freelance Writing - Social Media - Writing Topics

    Controversy on the Web

    {flickr photo by wstera2} I’ve been hiding out on different blogs reading the latest thoughts and trends. Some I agreed with. Others made me want to bury my head in a hole and cry. I thought I’d grab a few so we can discuss them here. I’ll call it our own little writers “View.” Let’s begin shall we? Practical or Perfectionism? On Copyblogger, Jon Morrow posted 5 Crippling Beliefs that Keep Writers Penniless and Mired in Mediocrity. The article itself was compelling with lots of points about how our thinking can sabotage success. But interestingly enough, the more than 100 comments were…

  • Blogging

    The 5 Characteristics of Successful Bloggers

    Call me a snoop or a blogger stalker, but I’ve been known to spy on a few blogs and bloggers to see what they are up to now and again. My curiosity was piqued when I started to notice that some had gained an increasing amount of attention in the blogosphere. Surprisingly, it’s not necessarily great design or title that did it. Instead they all had something special, an “it” factor, if you will, that raised their popularity. Here are five common characteristics I noticed of successful bloggers: They were helpful. From design bloggers to freelance writers, bloggers who did…

  • Blogging

    Tips for Bloggers: Three Painless Ways to Choose Photos for Your Blog Posts

    {photo by: burnt out Impurities} I have to thank Laura Spencer aka @TXWriter of Freelance Folder and Natalia Sylvester aka @InkyClean for their Twitter conversation last week. It inspired me to put together this post. Do You Despise Looking for the Right Photo for Your Blog Posts? While I didn’t save the actual conversation, I can tell you the basics. We were chatting about the difficulty of choosing photos for blog posts. In this situation, I was definitely the minority since I L-O-V-E perusing sites like Flickr for just the right picture to match my posts. But I wanted to…