• For Entrepreneurs - Freelance Writers

    How to Motivate Yourself to Keep Going

    I don’t know what your mother, father, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, friend told you, but freelancing is hard. Writing is hard. And so is starting your own business. With Memorial Day coming up, I thought it apropos to start the weekend off right, by composing a list of a few must-dos that’s 100% light and fun without the heavy sugary carbs to weigh you down. Reward Yourself Remember when you were a kid and your parents gave you an allowance or took you out for ice-cream on account of good behavior? Don’t ya miss those times? I’m betting that your…

  • Business of Freelance Writing - For Entrepreneurs - Freelance Writers

    What to Do When You Get a Bad Review

    {flickr photo by: khaybe} Just last week I read an author’s tweet about her lackluster review on a movie based on her book. And several weeks before that, a writer expressed her frustrating over feedback from an article she wrote. Bad reviews are a part of life. They can happen whether you are a writer, entrepreneur or a 9 to 5 employee. I certainly have had my fair share. But what do you do about them? {Besides run under the covers and hide.} Basically, you have 3 options: a) Sulk b) Quit c) Suck it up I’d opt for the latter…

  • Freelance Writers - Freelance Writing - Writer Challenges - Writer Issues Solved - Writer Tips

    The Psychology Behind Writing

    What’s so hard about putting words on paper? Well it’s a lot harder than you think when you bring psychology to the picture. Take your thoughts for example. All those doubts, criticisms, and insecurities from years long gone have piled up. And sometimes when you’re not careful, they’ll peek out at you, disguising themselves as your own thoughts. And the results? Well, it’s not a pretty picture. What Holds You Back from Your Writing flickr photo courtesy of: Lady/Bird In Callings: Finding and Following an Authentic Life, author Gregg Levoy says, “If we don’t confront them, if we don’t even consciously…

  • Freelance Writers - Freelance Writing

    Don’t Do This and Other Advice for New Freelancers

    DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME (or anywhere else for that matter!) 5 Tips for Freelance Writers on What Not to DO Don’t settle. You remember being in your twenties, desperate and single? Or how about a time when you really really wanted something so much so that you felt desperate. That’s kind of how I felt when I first started freelancing. I said, “Sayonara” to my plum job at Apple. With that, I was unemployed and scared silly about what was next. So what’d I do? I applied for every job that came my way and I took any job…

  • Freelance Writers - Freelance Writing

    The Freelance Writing Blues

    Yes there’s baby blues and even shopping blues, but freelance writing blues? Yep, I think so. If you’re in the low right now, when your phone stops ringing, people stop emailing and your blog is as empty as an ice-cream shop in wintertime, then you know what I mean. You wonder if this is it, the last shebang, the final sign that you didn’t make it, that your just not that good of a writer and you’re ________ (mom, sister/brother, father, uncle/aunt, cousin) was right. But before you throw in the towel and raise that white flag, let’s see if you’re…

  • Freelance Writers - Work at Homies

    Your Office is Where Your Laptop Is

    That’s the benefit of freelancing and working at home isn’t it? You could work outside in the warm sun or cuddle under the blanket in your bed. Or if you’re really lucky be like Virgin founder Sir Richard Branson and sit on a hammock with the view of your own private island. *Sigh. Wouldn’t that be a dream? But we don’t have it that bad actually. I know some full-time freelancers who take their office out in the sunroom and move themselves around their home throughout the day as they see fit. As for me, I am a roamer. Sometimes…