• Guest Blogs - Holidays - Writer Challenges - Writer Issues Solved - Writer Resources - Writer Tips

    What’s Going On Outside of This Blog

    Ever feel blogged out? Or that your world is filled with headlines and blog ideas? I sometimes get so zoomed into social media that when I zoom out to real life,  my head spins. (Not the exorcist kind, the vertigo kind) So to take us all beyond this blog, I’m doing a short post to a few things outside the box: 1. Bit o’ holiday inspiration. You probably know that I write an online column for The Writer called, “Inspiration Zone.” Well this month I was fortunate enough to interview author and writing coach Rochelle Melander. She’s got great tips…

  • Holidays

    Happy April Fool’s Day!

    I don’t have it in my heart to fool you. So instead of pranks, I’m sharing my top three favorite things this week. 1. Here is a short post I wrote on the psychology behind April Fool’s day. 2. My last post here was on the challenge with embracing your niche. This post is for you if you haven’t found your niche. 3. And for a prank-free, yet laugh out loud way to the end the week. Here is a youtube video for dog lovers that still cracks me up.

  • Holidays

    A Love Fest for Writers: 5 Reasons Why I Heart Writers

    This post is dedicated to all of my writer and wannabe writer friends out there. flickr photo by: Angelina Cupcake Here is why I’m thinking of you this Valentine’s Day: 1. Your courage is admirable. Most people deal with enough rejection in their teens to never want to return to that time period again. But not you! You jump in the fire, putting your heart on the line and opening yourself up to rejection. That takes real honest to goodness courage. 2. Your determination is inspiring. To be a writer means you need determination. Even successful published writers can’t get…

  • Holidays

    The Christmas Gift for Writers That Keeps on Giving

      {photo credit} Everyone’s been blogging about the best gift to get for writers. I’ve thought about doing it. Heck, I did it last year. And even outdid myself by writing about the things we writers wished we got for Christmas, but didn’t. You can see that post here. So I was going to write another one of those Christmas wish list post for writers. But then I thought, “If everyone else is doing it and I’ve already done it, then maybe I should pass this year.” Especially since the only thing I REALLY REALLY want for Christmas (besides good…

  • Holidays

    Cool Writerly Things: Stuff You Didn’t Get, But Wish You Did

    Yes, I know the holidays are officially over. Feeling any gift getter remorse? I didn’t get the Kindle this year so I feel your pain. For you writers out there who were disappointed with 2009 Christmas gifts, here are a few writerly gifts for yourself. Loving this magazine holder. What writer doesn’t own an embarrassing collection of magazines? Remember Carrie Bradshaw’s overpowering collection of Vogue editions circa 1980 and beyond? This one brings a certain modern appeal that hides a stack (5-10) in a bright beautiful way. Get it at Etsy.com for $38.

  • Holidays

    2010 New Year’s Writer Resolutions

    Have you done it yet? Put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard? What will be your hopes, goals and dreams for 2010? Sure it may not be Christmas yet. Your tree is still up, ornaments hung and Santa has yet to visit your nest. But beyond the 25th, is another monster lurking, the end of 2009 and the beginning of a whole other year. What would YOU like to see happen in 2010? I know as a freelance writer I barely have time to take a breath let alone come up with a list of things I’d like to…

  • Freelance Writing - Holidays

    A Christmas Wish List for Writers

    The December issue of The Writer magazine inspired this holiday post on goods to grab especially for writers. If you’re bewildered about what to get your fellow writer friend or you’re jonesing for a few writer gifts yourself, keep reading for my Top 5 List of Christmas Gifts for Writers: