I’m venturing into an unfamiliar territory. Fiction. Ack! Talk about anxiety. Fellow fiction writers I welcome your input on this one. Anyway, I let my husband read passages from it every once in awhile. And while I wait, I try to appear calm, but I’m really scrutinizing every eye movement, every shift in his position. What I got from him this time scared the bejeezus out of me. “It’s good. But I’m worried about one thing.” “What?” I asked. At this point, my mind went to horrible, bad plot, unbelievable characters, amateur storytelling. What he said was, “I’m worried that…
When I first started my career as a full-time freelance writer, I didn’t know what I was doing. I made a ton of mistakes. I still do. But in looking back, I realized I neglected one thing. Myself. I’ve been reading Julia Cameron’s classic book The Artist’s Way. It’s taught me how the decisions we make about who we bring into our lives can have a powerful impact on our creative as well as personal life. She says: “Whether they appear as your overbearing mothers, your manic boss, your needy friend, or your stubborn spouse, the crazymakers in your life…
I love hearing about the journey that prompted other writers to write. Some writers believe they were born with it-a passion for writing that began as soon as they learned how to write. For others, writing came later in life. Something spurred them to get words down on paper and their career took off from then. My guest blogger this week is author Jessica McCann. She’s another writer that I’ve admired from afar and it brings me great pleasure to share where her writing story began. It’s a good one! by: guest blogger One Saturday morning, not long ago, I…
Hi guys! You may remember writer and editor Sarah Nagel who guest blogged for me last week. Well she’s recently published a book with Blue Mountain Arts called How to Be Happy No Matter What! and I’m happy to have been able to review her book. I’m also giving away a free copy of the book that I promise will help inspire you to keep writing. Just go here to find out the easy way you can enter.
This post came at a perfect time! After just spilling my guts about how I sometimes fake it as a writer, I received the post below from author and editor Sarah Nagel who I’ve been following on Twitter. It gives practical advice to overcome the self-doubt that writers and all creatives face. I’m so grateful to have her here. You’re going to gain a lot from this post. by: guest blogger The first time I saw my name in print, I was ridiculously excited. I yelped and called my sister over to the magazine rack to show her the quiz…
A lot of writers I’ve talked to and read about say that no matter how much they’ve written, published, or even obtained awards for, they still feel like a fake. And I’m one of them. I sometimes wonder what it would take for me to feel validated as in the words of one writer friend, “a real writer.” As if, there was such a thing. Although I enthusiastically try to point out all the reasons he is a writer: the fact that he actually writes (writing a novel, in fact) and has a tremendous passion for it, I can hardly do…
This post was inspired by two writers. If Cathy Miller’s post and Michelle Rafter’s post got married, then in my warped mind, they’d created this baby of a post. I don’t know if this is a Hawaii thing, but my friends and family loved the 12 Days of Christmas (the song, not just the real thing). So this is my ode to both the holidays and freelance writers. Here we go: On the first day of Christmas my clients gave to me a payment sent effortlessly On the second day of Christmas my clients gave to me two dollar a word…
{guest post written by: Mahesh Raj Mohan} I’ve always liked the concept of a mentor: a sagacious master of an art, craft, or trade who passes knowledge to seekers, students, and adventurers. Bonus points if s/he is a kind person who patiently corrects rookie mistakes and helps an apprentice grow. Teachers usually fill that role for us, as well as parents and siblings, if we’re fortunate. I’ve been taught by many wise mentors throughout my life. But more importantly, I’ve learned to face several challenges on my own. Getting to a place of self-reliance can be difficult. But I believe…
I went to Arizona for a little over a week. And while I still believe that trip was life-changing, I returned also feeling extremely disappointed. As if a weight I had been hoping to release off my shoulders became even heavier. Not only did I fail to work on my work-in-progress, but I came back with this: {and no I wasn’t trying to delete my husband from the photo.} It disturbed me on many, many levels. (In fact, I’m still not ready to talk about it and when I am, I’ll probably discuss it on my inspiring blog.) But it…
It’s Friday. I’m holed up in bed recovering from the flu. It’s the holidays. And I have had a lot of Christmas parties and events planned. Plus, writing goals. But I’m sick. It’s Friday. And all I want to do is crawl back into bed in my PJ’s and dream of the day I was healthy and be that way again. In the meantime, I think I’ll dedicate today’s post to the writers that have really helped me to keep going. They’ve given me much more than I’ve given them. All around best commenter: @millercathy Wittiest tweets: @NataliaSylv Thoughtful commenter: @maheshrmohan True…