Okay I know. I’m really, really late. Marvelous Michelle Rafter, creator of the Blogathon already posted what bloggers learned about blogging for 31 days straight. I know I missed the boat. I’m a horrible, undevoted blogger. But let me tell you what really happened: 31 days of blogging on not2shabby, 2inspired, guest posting and writing about writing got me blogged out! I went into a blog coma and stowed away to Hawaii where I did nothing for about 2 weeks. Well if I’m being honest, I did work and write for one of my clients, but I stored up enough…
Hi. Just in case you didn’t realize it, this isn’t my blog. I don’t own it. I don’t run it. I didn’t even make a dollar for writing this post. I even have a blog of my very own. So, what in the hell am I doing here? I’m contributing a guest post. Brandi and I recently swapped one post for another during the 2010 WordCount Blogathon and we decided to keep the door open for occasional future guest posts. That’s why you’re reading my words instead of hers right now. You might be wondering why we’re doing that. There…
I’m not sure how common this is, but I rarely find jobs on online job boards and never found any in the newspaper. So how do I rack up the clients and freelance writing opportunities? Instead of going on the same path with the rest of the thousands of other freelancers vying for the same positions, I find the path least traveled. It’s kind of like waiting until the crowd flocks to the parade at Disneyland, then running quickly toward the rides on the other side. There’s less competition and more chance for better opportunities. Here’s a few often overlooked…
The “Perfect” Movie McCabe & Mrs. Miller is among my favorite movies of all time. I think it’s better than any of the other revisionist westerns of the early 70s. I love the way Robert Altman allows dialog to overlap. I think the Leonard Cohen soundtrack is perfect. I can’t think of anything else Warren Beatty has done to compare to McCabe and Doctor Zhivago is the only reason I can’t say the same thing about Julie Christie. I’m not alone. Roger Ebert considers McCabe & Mrs. Miller a perfect movie. It scores an impressive 89% freshness rating at Rotten…
That’s the benefit of freelancing and working at home isn’t it? You could work outside in the warm sun or cuddle under the blanket in your bed. Or if you’re really lucky be like Virgin founder Sir Richard Branson and sit on a hammock with the view of your own private island. *Sigh. Wouldn’t that be a dream? But we don’t have it that bad actually. I know some full-time freelancers who take their office out in the sunroom and move themselves around their home throughout the day as they see fit. As for me, I am a roamer. Sometimes…
I had somewhat of a revelation tonight, which is why I’m fighting back droopy eyes and fatigue to stay up and finish this post. I went to a psychic-something I have done in the past, partly because I believe in it and also because as a writer doubt creeps in and out of my life and I need the validation. I’m glad I went because what she said really got under my skin. I was anticipating sunny, glowing tarot cards predicting wealth and a prosperous future (really I was). But my enthusiasm was quickly quelled when I saw dark cards…
Lately, I’ve been meeting an insane amount of people on Twitter with tons of energy, passion and charisma. The thing they all have in common? Their youth. In a weird serendipitous way, I’ve also been learning about people with young souls on Ainslie McLeod’s new webinar recently. Young souls according to him, are ambitious, passionate, go-getters. In other words, “the world is their oyster.” They don’t have the baggage of older souls who have been to hell and back. And they’re on this earth to learn how to be and they’re going out there with arms and hearts wide open. In…
You might read the title and blow it off. I mean come on, one secret! One secret to a success! There’s no way or is there? Here’s what I know for sure: While there are no easy ways to success, there is a simple way. And it’s one thing you can do now that will help you down the road to success. In the almost year long path that I’ve been on a pursuit to follow my freelance writing dreams, I’ve learned a few things.
It’s Day 4 of the 2010 WordCount Blogathon. Here’s a bit of info in case you haven’t heard of it. Reporter, writer, blogger, basically media/publishing entrepreneur, Michelle Rafter created a challenge for herself. In 2008, she blogged every day for the entire month of May. Asking others to join in the fun, she created the WordCount Blogathon to gather a community of bloggers with the mission to learn, write and have a great time doing it. I just joined this year and have been secretly blogging every day on this site as well as my other blogs (not2shabby and 2inspired),…
This weekend I did something most introverts and writers wouldn’t dare do-man a booth for 8 hours at a festival filled with several hundred people. Without meaning to, I learned a ton of lessons, not just on life, but on business too. Here are the Five Secrets of Successful Sales I Learned from the Festival