• Professional Recommendations - Writer Challenges - Writer Tips - Writing Topics

    Marketing at Miraval

    I had an amazing week at Miraval spa for my birthday. I got everything I wanted and more. One of the surprising gifts I left with, however, was a unplanned, unintentional lesson in marketing. During one of the lovely event dinners, I was introduced to two memorable people. One was the host, and the other was a fellow guest. While the topic was communication in digital world, I was most intrigued by their marketing styles. Both were clearly successful and accomplished. Both shared relevant information that was helpful for everyone at the table. But I left with a desire to…

  • Expert Series - Professional Recommendations - Writer Tips

    18th Biennial Conference on Literature and Hawaii’s Children

    I’ve been juggling two boys under two and working on an upcoming article for Hawaii Business magazine. Plus, I’m still writing for Psych Central. I won’t lie. It’s a lot. Some days feel near impossible. But there is joy and pleasure in pursuing the written word so I do so happily even if I have to muster stored energy (which may or may not require a cup of Jo). This weekend I got to do something thrilling. Taking a break from dirty diapers would be a vacation in itself. But I also got to attend the 18th Biennial Conference on Literature…

  • Business of Freelance Writing - Professional Recommendations - Writer Issues Solved

    How Not to Blow a Phone Interview

    {flickr photo by: stevendepolo} The Dreaded Phone Interview The time is ticking and you’re about to chew every single one of your fingernails in anticipation of that upcoming phone call. It could be a call to your editor, potential client or for a job interview. But whoever it is and whatever it is for, one thing is certain. Talking on the phone is a whole different medium than in person or via email. To be honest, I would prefer both over the dreaded phone call. In emails, my words come out effortlessly. There are no “uh” or “um” in writing and if they were I…

  • Business of Freelance Writing - Professional Recommendations

    The School of Hard Knocks: For writers and those who want to work with writers.

    {photo source} As a newbie writer, you’re kind of going in all green and vulnerable. You desperately want to write. But you need the clips and the experience to take you far. This sometimes results in a bad equation. In my case, it meant lots of learning lessons in the school of hard knocks. Lessons that taught me not only how to be a better business person, but also gave me insider tips businesses could learn when working with freelance writers. So here’s a post for both of you-hopefully a happy marriage between writer and client that will lead to…

  • Professional Recommendations - Writing Review

    What some past employers are saying about me…

    You can check out my profile on LinkedIn but here are just a few things… “Brandi is a Rock Star! Her duties were to schedule a team of 3 people to bring LLS into the community. Not only was she organized, on-target, she worked with little or no supervision. We explained her role in our Light The Night Walk and she took it and delivered. She was directly responsible for growing our program in the San Jose area by 50%.”  -May 2008, Margie Boyce, Special Events Manager, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society