• Writer Resources - Writing

    New Writing Tools for Inspiration

    Inspiration doesn’t have to come from tools per se. It can come from waterfalls and mountaintops and from trekking through the forest. In fact, it doesn’t even have to be pretty where you are. I once felt inspired in a bar with my husband watching football. If you’ve got inspiration covered and are enjoying the free flow of content coming through your fingers, feel free to share your techniques below. If you’re like me and you occasionally get stuck, you may need additional ideas to keep the ideas coming. I’m always on the lookout for new ways to delve into…

  • Writer Resources

    Giving Away a Book on Happiness

    Hi guys! You may remember writer and editor Sarah Nagel who guest blogged for me last week. Well she’s recently published a book with Blue Mountain Arts called How to Be Happy No Matter What! and I’m happy to have been able to review her book. I’m also giving away a free copy of the book that I promise will help inspire you to keep writing. Just go here to find out the easy way you can enter.

  • Freelance Writers - Guest Blogs - Writer Resources

    Why You Should Consider Getting a Writing Mentor

    {guest post written by: Mahesh Raj Mohan} I’ve always liked the concept of a mentor: a sagacious master of an art, craft, or trade who passes knowledge to seekers, students, and adventurers. Bonus points if s/he is a kind person who patiently corrects rookie mistakes and helps an apprentice grow. Teachers usually fill that role for us, as well as parents and siblings, if we’re fortunate. I’ve been taught by many wise mentors throughout my life. But more importantly, I’ve learned to face several challenges on my own. Getting to a place of self-reliance can be difficult. But I believe…

  • Writer Resources

    Friends for the Freelance Writer

    It’s Friday. I’m holed up in bed recovering from the flu. It’s the holidays. And I have had a lot of Christmas parties and events planned. Plus, writing goals. But I’m sick. It’s Friday. And all I want to do is crawl back into bed in my PJ’s and dream of the day I was healthy and be that way again. In the meantime, I think I’ll dedicate today’s post to the writers that have really helped me to keep going. They’ve given me much more than I’ve given them. All around best commenter: @millercathy Wittiest tweets: @NataliaSylv Thoughtful commenter: @maheshrmohan True…

  • Guest Blogs - Holidays - Writer Challenges - Writer Issues Solved - Writer Resources - Writer Tips

    What’s Going On Outside of This Blog

    Ever feel blogged out? Or that your world is filled with headlines and blog ideas? I sometimes get so zoomed into social media that when I zoom out to real life,  my head spins. (Not the exorcist kind, the vertigo kind) So to take us all beyond this blog, I’m doing a short post to a few things outside the box: 1. Bit o’ holiday inspiration. You probably know that I write an online column for The Writer called, “Inspiration Zone.” Well this month I was fortunate enough to interview author and writing coach Rochelle Melander. She’s got great tips…

  • For Entrepreneurs - Writer Resources - Writer Tips

    Quick Tips for Writers & Entrepreneurs

    {photo} I’ve been slowed down a bit, but a mountain of obstacles that have suddenly flooded my productivity levels. What’s all this drama about? For some reason, MacAfee (but no other security alert programs) decided to flag my website as a potential security risk. I’ve emailed them and hopefully the issue will sort itself out. There is no risk here people! In addition, I’ve been working on a newspaper article, a magazine article, web content for someone inspiring, on top of my day job. All good stuff. But it makes it hard to keep this up. Which explains why today’s…

  • For Entrepreneurs - Freelance Writing - Social Media - Writer Resources

    How to Deal With Online Miscommunication

    {flickr photo by: Kat Cole} How Easy it is to Misunderstand Each Other Online I’ve gotten into a few misunderstandings lately and that’s just with my online friends. Words are powerful stuff. And when you take away external cues like smiles, nods and voice inflections, it is not just powerful, but potent. When you are online, all a person can see is your words. So when you say, “It was good.” They may be interpreting it as:  “It WAS good! Or, “It was GOOD!” Or they may think you were being sarcastic or not very enthusiastic. There is only so much…

  • Writer Resources - Writer Tips

    Creating a Writer’s Group

    {photo source}   I recently added group leader to my list of writing tasks and I have to say I really like it! There’s something about the camaraderie a group provides that you can’t get online. I also enjoy the chance to share what I’ve learned in my writing process as well as get feedback on things I wouldn’t have dreamed up on my own. There are definite pros to the list. But what else do you need to know to start your own group? Here’s a few tips: Think about what you want to get from it. Then, share your intention…

  • Writer Resources

    Creating Your Own Facebook Landing Page: Problogger to the Rescue

    If I told you problogger’s Darren Rowse was a genius, you’d probably say, “Yeah so what else is new?” If you are super new to blogging and haven’t heard of him yet, I say, “What are you waiting for?” and get yourself to his site immediately. To prove just how helpful this blogging genius is (one of the few professional bloggers making six figures), in one short post, he’s taken me from FBML newbie to creating my own Facebook landing page. Talk about blogging genius! Rather than try to explain how to make one of your own, I’m going to…