{photo credit} Now that sounds bad, doesn’t it? Kind of like I’m suggesting you let others abuse you or treat you with disregard. But actually, I’m saying quite the opposite. It really depends how you look at it. Today, I listened in on a webinar done by The Savvy Freelancer’s Lexi Rodrigo with senior editor of Freelancer Folder Laura Spencer. It was an awesome combo. And I learned a lot about, “Setting Your Freelance Fees.” But I’m not here to talk about something they already covered so well there. I am excited about sharing something she said, however. Remember Your…
That’s the benefit of freelancing and working at home isn’t it? You could work outside in the warm sun or cuddle under the blanket in your bed. Or if you’re really lucky be like Virgin founder Sir Richard Branson and sit on a hammock with the view of your own private island. *Sigh. Wouldn’t that be a dream? But we don’t have it that bad actually. I know some full-time freelancers who take their office out in the sunroom and move themselves around their home throughout the day as they see fit. As for me, I am a roamer. Sometimes…