I can’t claim the title, “author,” yet, but there are books out there that feature my writing. I’ve assisted Dr. Bradley Willcox of The Okinawa Diet Plan, my Psych Central was mentioned in Living with Eating Disorders, one of my Tweets was in Tiny Buddha and now in Untangle Your Mind: A Pathway to Love, author Marty Avary draws an inspiring picture to go with my quote on forgiveness. I’m really excited and grateful that authors have found my words online. I hope you get a chance to pick up the book. All the quotes in there are inspiring.
One of my favorite things about being a freelance writer is the opportunity I have to continue to learn about life. Something I hadn’t known previously to my research, for example, is that your handwriting can give insight into your health as you age. If you’re interested in how it can reveal illness, disease and healthy aging, check out my article in the front pages of The Writer magazine’s October issue. It should be on the stands now or soon.
I just started blogging for Intuit. So if you are a small business owner with questions on your businesses success, please check out my new pad there. I’ll still be here writing and fighting for my fellow writing peeps. But I’m also expanding out to greeting card writing and feature articles for print pubs in addition to my biweekly blog for Psych Central. Hope to see you around here or there!
Edward Cullen in Twilight said, “I don’t have the strength to stay away from you anymore!” Yet, there were more than warm and fuzzy feelings hitting hormonal teenagers and middle-aged moms. From some dark, deep and dreary place, stay-at-home mom and Twilight series author Stephanie Meyer drew a well and from it an empire of wealth and success. It’s that intense, can’t live without it passion that shakes us silly from our boring day-to-day reverie. Whether we’re copywriters, social media experts, bloggers or any writing gig for that matter, we need to get off our flat (cause we sit on…