Freelance Writing - Writer Challenges

Fears of a Beginning Writer

Fears of a beginning writerOne thing I love about freelance writing, besides the writing itself, is how there are SO many opportunities for self-growth. Confronting our inner fears, for example, is one of them. And in every freelance writer’s bag, there is an array of fears to pick from.

There’s the fear of rejection, for example.

To the beginning writer, a letter of rejection sometimes feels like a Dear John letter. Our writing wasn’t good enough and in return we’re not good enough either.

Fear of going broke.

At times writing for a living feels like a lofty career. One that’s more for the rich and wealthy not the poor and desperate. At least that’s what our friends and family keep saying. Can we really make a living doing what we love? Although there are several writers and authors doing so, there are just as many struggling to get there foot in the door. And when you’re just at the beginning, the path between 0 to 100 feels like eternity.

Fear of being shamed.

Talk about putting it all out there. It’s a personal thing whether you are writing about home decor or your own personal struggles. The fear that people will snicker and roll their eyes at your work is the reason why several talented writers keep their writing in the closet. Who wants the weight of the world’s worst critics on your shoulder? And it’s not just about us. We’re worried we’ll unintentionally shame our family in a personal memoir about mom’s harsh words and dad’s emotional distance.

Fear of never accomplishing the dream.

It could be finishing that novel or getting published in a reputable magazine. But whatever it is, a lot of writers fear that they won’t ever be recognized for their craft. And that’s a real hard pill to swallow.

Fear that you’re crazy.

Crazy for believing that you have a one in a million shot of success. Once you tell people you’re starting your career as a writer, you’ll begin getting statements that make you feel crazy or at least wildly naive. They’ll say things like, “I have a friend who is a famous newspaper reporter and he just got laid off. If he can’t make it, how do you think you will?” And that crazy feeling will stay every time you ask someone for a pay rate you think you deserve or ask others for work. Because inside there’s a voice of self-doubt saying, “Maybe I am crazy. Maybe I’m not good enough. Maybe I’m stupid to even try.”

Fear of not trying.

This is what I think is the worst fear of all! Yes, there are times when the fear of rejection sinks down low. It ruffles my feathers and makes my stomach turn. But the fear of not trying, not writing hurts so much more. I might not be the next Stephanie Meyer, people may think I’m crazy and judge me, and I may never be a bestselling novelist or pulitzer prize writer, but you know what, that doesn’t make me any less as a writer. If you write, if you take in a deep breath and muster an ounce of courage to get to your computer or notebook or laptop every day, then you are a writer.

Best way to deal with those bag of beginner fears?

Keep at it, one word and one day at a time.
