• Fiction - Writing Topics

    More Fresh Writing Tips to Improve Your Fiction

    Tweet Don’t you wish people would post neutral news on social media? I’m not talking about what someone ate for dinner. But lately, my Facebook feed is filled with a monopoly of good news. Maybe it’s because we all need to hear some right now. I just saw a commercial talking about the joy of seeing the bright side of things and then I saw it was an ad for wine. The message was mixed. Do we need alcohol to see sunshine these days? Hopefully not. Here’s some neutral news. The publishing industry is getting flooded. I know that sounds…

  • Rejection - Writing Topics

    How to Fail Like a Boss

    Tweet Being a writer requires fierce tenacity. Not just to write every day when there’s no deadline, but because rejection comes with the territory. You could devote eight hours a day six days a week to writing, thousands of dollars in classes, memberships, and coaching, and still get those template rejections. The ones that say writing is subjective so don’t take it personally. In other words, “It’s not you, it’s me.” None of that softens the blow. It’s a dodgy game with few winners. Even the ones who “win,” don’t get the accolades, validation or acknowledgment for the hours of…