• Blogging

    Why Blogging Works

    I moan and groan about blogging every once in awhile. Keeping up with your posts while other higher priority projects build up feels harder at times than Keeping Up With the Kardashians. But I know that doing so is worth it. While every writer has different reasons why they blog or don’t blog, I’ve found the benefits to more than outweigh the costs. For example, some bloggers do it for the money. Others do it to draw potential clients/customers to their website. Some find the greatest benefit is the interaction they have with their readers. When I created this blog…

  • Blogathon

    Benefits of the 2010 Blogathon

    Okay I know. I’m really, really late. Marvelous Michelle Rafter, creator of the Blogathon already posted what bloggers learned about blogging for 31 days straight. I know I missed the boat. I’m a horrible, undevoted blogger. But let me tell you what really happened: 31 days of blogging on not2shabby, 2inspired, guest posting and writing about writing got me blogged out! I went into a blog coma and stowed away to Hawaii where I did nothing for about 2 weeks. Well if I’m being honest, I did work and write for one of my clients, but I stored up enough…