Happy Veterans Day and 11/11/11! I’ve been a busy bee. My latest article for Elance is on preventing small business burnout-a must-read for writers too. I’ve listed 4 tips to get you inspired, motivated and keep your ideas fresh. Not too mention keeping you cool too. Here it is… Have a great weekend!
{flickr photo by: Kat Cole} How Easy it is to Misunderstand Each Other Online I’ve gotten into a few misunderstandings lately and that’s just with my online friends. Words are powerful stuff. And when you take away external cues like smiles, nods and voice inflections, it is not just powerful, but potent. When you are online, all a person can see is your words. So when you say, “It was good.” They may be interpreting it as: “It WAS good! Or, “It was GOOD!” Or they may think you were being sarcastic or not very enthusiastic. There is only so much…
{photo credit} Remember that old 90’s rap song by the Old School Players? I don’t know what they were rapping out back then, but it’s a good reminder of what we need to do today as better business men/women and in general freelancers. I saw the King and Queen of comedy Tina Fey and Steve Carell on the Oprah Winfrey show months ago. They were talking about their movie Date Night and were asked what they admired about one another. Fey said, “The kind of detail and specificity that he (Steve Carell) brings to his character Michael Scott of The Office—he…
A study by the University of Melbourne in April 2009 showed that workers who used the Internet for fun actually were more productive (about 9% more) than those who didn’t. Surprised? I wasn’t. Here’s why: I recently did an experiment for The Joy Diet (week 6 treat week) where I had to indulge in two treats a day. While I admit that a few times during the week “treats” meant something sweet, a sugar coma eventually forced me to find alternative ways to fulfill the condition. Eventually I realized that all work and no play wasn’t a good thing. In…
photo by broken thoughts I took an evening writing class late last night. For 4 hours I sat, listening to the teacher speak. Four hours later, I realized. Why didn’t I learn this as an undergrad in English?! Then it hit me. There was this entire aspect of freelance writing that I hadn’t even considered previously…the Business Side of Freelance Writing! Doh!