• Freelance Writers - Freelance Writing - Writer Challenges - Writer Issues Solved - Writer Tips

    The Psychology Behind Writing

    What’s so hard about putting words on paper? Well it’s a lot harder than you think when you bring psychology to the picture. Take your thoughts for example. All those doubts, criticisms, and insecurities from years long gone have piled up. And sometimes when you’re not careful, they’ll peek out at you, disguising themselves as your own thoughts. And the results? Well, it’s not a pretty picture. What Holds You Back from Your Writing flickr photo courtesy of: Lady/Bird In Callings: Finding and Following an Authentic Life, author Gregg Levoy says, “If we don’t confront them, if we don’t even consciously…

  • Dreams - Writer Issues Solved

    What a Psychic Told Me About Freelancing

    I had somewhat of a revelation tonight, which is why I’m fighting back droopy eyes and fatigue to stay up and finish this post. I went to a psychic-something I have done in the past, partly because I believe in it and also because as a writer doubt creeps in and out of my life and I need the validation. I’m glad I went because what she said really got under my skin. I was anticipating sunny, glowing tarot cards predicting wealth and a prosperous future (really I was). But my enthusiasm was quickly quelled when I saw dark cards…

  • Writer Challenges

    Resilience Key in Succeeding as a Freelance Writer

    Something pulled me from my warm bed and hour of mindless magazine reading today. I was thinking about my last post. I was thinking about how Walt Disney encountered a lot of bad people in the biz and still waded in his way through the slime and got to the other side. In fact, not just in spite of the greedy people out there but because he had resilience. There are many traits important in having a successful freelance writing business and I definitely think resilience is one of them. Resilience helps you keep going. It’s what helped Olympic winner…