• Freelance Writers - Writer Challenges - Writer Tips

    Don’t Give Up Yet

    I have a lot of writer friends who started out all gung ho and then let their mojo slide when the going got tough. My ego would like to say it’s the way we weed out the true writers from the pack. But I know the truth. The truth is that writing is scary. We all have moments where we doubt whether we’re really that good or even good enough. And this could change moment to moment, day to day. Sometimes I think I wrote the best piece ever at night, only to wake up the next morning and discover…

  • Business of Freelance Writing - For Entrepreneurs

    Top 10 Signs Your Busyness is Unproductive

    {flickr photo by: iamyung} Your schedule is already book for the rest of the month. You get to just 3 out of 10 goals you have for the week. You find yourself using the weekend to catch up on all of the work that you didn’t finish on the weekdays. Does that sound like you? You may be busy, but that busyness may have nothing to do with having a productive business. In fact, you may be filling time with unnecessary tasks that are hurting instead of helping your business. I was writing a post over at my other blog The…