• Freelance Writing - Writer Issues Solved

    The Free in Freelance Writing

    Ever wonder what the “free” in freelance writer stands for? Is it free for freedom? Or free as in non-paying? According to Dictionary.com, the word came from the 1820s meaning medieval mercenary warrior. And later referring to journalism in 1882. What a long way we’ve come from the original meaning. Or have we? As freelance writers, we’re closer to a mercenary warrior (a courageous one who works for pay) then one that works for free, aren’t we? Yet, I’m noticing more and more job ads requiring freelancers to write “on spec” (essentially for free) first. MY CONFESSION: I’ve been guilty…

  • Business of Freelance Writing - Writer Issues Solved

    “Ask and You Shall Receive”

    The belief that we should ask for what we need is a difficult concept for me. I am a woman for one and a minority for another. I’ve been brought up to believe statements like, “You can’t really do anything about it. Don’t bother/make trouble. Just let it go.” This is the reason why I used to wonder if I was born in the right family. If I didn’t look so much like my parents, I might really question where I came from. Instead, I took on a different belief system. The belief that I could do anything and be…