• Guest Blogs

    How I Became a Freelance Writer

      {by: guest blogger} My freelance lifestyle wasn’t born out of a dream to forge my own path, pursue my innate sense of creativity at all costs or even break free from the corporate grind. Nope, my motivations weren’t as lofty as all that. The way it really went was something like this: My husband was given a career-boosting opportunity that involved nine months of schooling in the Washington, D.C. area, with no idea where we would be moving next. We talked it over and decided together that he should take the opportunity, and before we knew it, we were…

  • Guest Blogs

    When the World Doesn’t Like Your Freelance Schedule

    Carson Brackney’s back and better than ever. Lucky for me he’s written a new guest post that will blow you away. It’s all about freelancing and time scheduling. Thanks Carson! So, you have the schedule thing all figured out. Everyone talks about how tough it is to maintain any semblance of a reasonable life as a freelancer, but you aren’t worried. You have the calendar. You have the time slots all lined up, filled up, organized, planned and your work life for the week will be so smoother than Yul Brynner’s scalp after a Crisco application. Yeah, right. The kid?…

  • Writer Challenges

    Doing the Yucky Writer Stuff

    Were you ever a fan of Jon & Kate Plus 8? Before Jon left and made it a sad sounding Kate Plus 8? If you haven’t a clue as to what I’m talking about. It’s okay. I’ll save you the TLC gory details. Anyway, there was one episode where Kate Gosselin, mother of 8 (twins and sextuplets) said something like, “Being a mom is not a glamorous job, but it’s a rewarding one!” The same can be said about writing. In fact, in a recent No Reservations episode (can you tell I watch too much TV?), Anthony Bourdain said, “Writers…

  • Writer Tips

    Tips on Being a Fearless Freelancer

    I’ve always been uber shy.  When I was a child, my mom bought me books where the protagonists are always shrinking violets.  In elementary school, I took a failing grade because the thought of speaking up in public was more mortifying than seeing an F on my report card.  It’s one of the reasons why I took so well to writing.  I could create words on paper and express myself while keeping any verbal discourse to myself. Yet, somewhere along the line I realized that writing wasn’t just about sitting quietly and typing.  I could write all I wanted, but…