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    5 Fresh Ways to Score More Freelance Writing Jobs

    Every freelance writer is skilled at something. Maybe you’re a social media whiz or a marketing pro  (If so, email me.). Or you’re just savvy with your “born-this-way” natural writing abilities. Bravo! We should all celebrate what we’re good at. As for me, I think I’ve got a hankering for getting or at least almost getting jobs. Call it years of experience from being a job hopper, but it’s how I was able to get a job as a PI and a RA and graduate with a MFT. It’s the type of learn-on-the-job info that’s helped me get responses like…

  • Writer Tips

    5 Secrets of Successful Sales

    This weekend I did something most introverts and writers wouldn’t dare do-man a booth for 8 hours at a festival filled with several hundred people. Without meaning to, I learned a ton of lessons, not just on life, but on business too. Here are the Five Secrets of Successful Sales I Learned from the Festival