• Freelance Writing Jobs - Get More Writing Jobs - Uncategorized

    5 Fresh Ways to Score More Freelance Writing Jobs

    Every freelance writer is skilled at something. Maybe you’re a social media whiz or a marketing pro  (If so, email me.). Or you’re just savvy with your “born-this-way” natural writing abilities. Bravo! We should all celebrate what we’re good at. As for me, I think I’ve got a hankering for getting or at least almost getting jobs. Call it years of experience from being a job hopper, but it’s how I was able to get a job as a PI and a RA and graduate with a MFT. It’s the type of learn-on-the-job info that’s helped me get responses like…

  • Book Review

    *This Girl is Stuck On My Elevator: A Book Review

    *The title’s paying homage to Flo Rida featuring Timbaland’s Stuck On My Elevator.   “You’re a busy entrepreneur. On top of doing what you love to do, which is making your product or providing a service to others, you’re in charge of marketing, accounting, and writing your own copy. But your business is off the hook. You can barely keep up with the demands let alone sit down and right that newsletter, press release, blog or product description. What are you going to do? Why not hire a freelance writer? It will save you time and money. Instead of sitting…

  • Business of Freelance Writing - Writer Challenges

    Does Age Matter?

    I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. I wonder, for example, if there is such a thing as age discrimination in writing. Does one get less respect the younger he or she is? I also think about whether your age or your perceived age makes you more or less marketable in the freelance writing biz. Why do I ponder these things at 9:51 in the evening? I wonder because I’ve been trolling the forums lately and have heard people concerned about being a late bloomer in the business. At the same time, I was discouraged by acquaintances when I…