I have to confess. The #1 place I’ve found writing jobs has been from online job boards including Craigslist. Surprised? This could explain why I’ve gotten myself into a few tumbles in the past. But for the most part, it’s been a successful journey. Maybe because I’ve learned job-ese (language of the job ads). You know like when they say “charming and quaint” in describing a home, they mean “small.” Same thing. Things to Watch For I used to read and apply for any job with the word “writer” in it. But now I’m a lot more picky. As you…
I’m not sure how common this is, but I rarely find jobs on online job boards and never found any in the newspaper. So how do I rack up the clients and freelance writing opportunities? Instead of going on the same path with the rest of the thousands of other freelancers vying for the same positions, I find the path least traveled. It’s kind of like waiting until the crowd flocks to the parade at Disneyland, then running quickly toward the rides on the other side. There’s less competition and more chance for better opportunities. Here’s a few often overlooked…