Quickie Tip #2: Be Easy {This is only good for freelance writing and other career-related endeavors of course.} {photo credit} Here’s what I recently realized. I’ve found one of the greatest inventions ever for writers and journalists. HARO. Doesn’t it sound Star Wars worthy? It stands for Help A Reporter Out. Basically, it’s a win-win situation where journalists get quotes from leading experts in the industry and leading experts get free PR for their business. I’ve been using it a lot lately and have gotten several pitches returned from potential experts. Pretty exciting! But here’s what all that long-winded chatting…
A study by the University of Melbourne in April 2009 showed that workers who used the Internet for fun actually were more productive (about 9% more) than those who didn’t. Surprised? I wasn’t. Here’s why: I recently did an experiment for The Joy Diet (week 6 treat week) where I had to indulge in two treats a day. While I admit that a few times during the week “treats” meant something sweet, a sugar coma eventually forced me to find alternative ways to fulfill the condition. Eventually I realized that all work and no play wasn’t a good thing. In…