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    Excelling at the Elevator Speech

    Tweet photo by: Express Monorail Have you ever been stunned like a deer-caught-in-the headlights when someone asks you, “What you do for a living?” Well I have and I can’t plea ignorance on this one! All over the web, articles on creating an elevator speech have been popping up. I’ve seen them, read them, but failed to do anything about it.

  • Freelance Writing

    Just in Time for Halloween: How Freelance Writing Makes Me Feel Like a Monster

    Tweet Photo by: TCM Hitchhiker Sometimes the word writer and monster feels like one and the same.  You’re all alone. People think you’re weird-at least you think they think you’re weird.  You spend all of your time holed up researching online, in the library, reading at cafes.  You send out letters asking people for work like a desperate fiend needing his next fix.  Most of the time you wonder if, like Shrek, you’re the only monster in the woods.  Is there anyone else out there going through the same things as you?