• Writer Tips

    Writer Tip: How to Deal With Rejection

    I don’t know if you’re a big Something’s Gotta Give fan like me. But if you are, you know every single line, every heartbreaking sentence and LOL phrase that made Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson sing on-screen together. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways (the writing, the setting, the fact that Diane played a screenwriter). One of my favorites, however is her genuine vulnerability reflected when she’s with Jack’s character Harry. There’s one scene that does it for me every time. Harry and Erica are in New York when she catches having dinner with a younger woman.…

  • Business of Freelance Writing - Magazine - Writer Challenges - Writer Issues Solved

    Received Yet Another Rejection Letter? Don’t Close the Door Just Yet

    Last year I sent out a flurry of queries and a couple completed manuscripts. I worked like crazy to reach that impossible, unattainable dream-to get published in a well-known magazine. And here’s what happened: No, I didn’t get into Glamour or O magazines. A prayer wasn’t answered. A miracle was yet to be seen. Instead, last year’s queries were answered by this year’s, “I’m sorry your idea doesn’t fit with the current needs of the magazine.” After listening to my heart shatter for a few minutes, I put myself back together like Humpty Dumpty. I realized that one rejecting letter,…

  • Freelance Writing

    Rejection Slips

    Photo by: Vicki’s Pics Sherri Shepherd has a book coming out entitled, “Permission Slips.” If I had a book coming out, I’d call it, “Rejection Slips.” I’m sure every writer gets them. Those standard letters or brief emails that says, “Sorry the position is filled. We liked you but…” So close, and yet so far. How do you keep querying, writing, and pursuing your dream as a freelance writer, when you keep getting those heartbreaking slips?