There are a lot of people who want to be writers. Some of them are friends and acquaintances I’ve met along my path. They envy me in a shameless way. My life seems as close to Carrie Bradshaw as possible without the single life and the large shoe closet. Many, I believe, think that I spend all day shopping and galavanting. Yes it is partially that I suppose. But the truth is, I spend more days sitting on my butt, pulling out my hair, trying to find the best words to squeeze into my prose. It’s not fun nor glamorous.…
A lot of writers I’ve talked to and read about say that no matter how much they’ve written, published, or even obtained awards for, they still feel like a fake. And I’m one of them. I sometimes wonder what it would take for me to feel validated as in the words of one writer friend, “a real writer.” As if, there was such a thing. Although I enthusiastically try to point out all the reasons he is a writer: the fact that he actually writes (writing a novel, in fact) and has a tremendous passion for it, I can hardly do…
When I first started blogging, I wrote about my love life, my schoolwork, my little mini dramas that would make for some interesting “Dear Diary” reads. A pint of ice-cream, a flashlight and it almost felt like you were sneaking a peek where you shouldn’t be. Then, I wrote about weddings and baby showers for an online stationery company. Now, I write mostly for me. It’s interesting how from a simple seed of passion, a career can bloom. It took nurturing, hard work, and a sprinkle of faith. And it’s a system that needs to go on forever. Unless I…