• For Entrepreneurs - Writer Challenges

    Tame That Ego

    Tweet {photo} When you’re working with someone else, there will come a time when you’ll wonder why the heck you ever decided to work for yourself in the first place. I’ve heard it from fellow entrepreneurs who’s ego got beaten by constant criticisms and demands placed on them by unsatisfied customers. I’ve went through it myself. Time. And time again. The thing is… You can’t buy perfect. You can’t bottle it up and serve it on a fancy shiny silver platter. It just doesn’t exist. But sometimes you’re placed in a situation where a client believes that in exchange for…

  • Writer Challenges

    4 Things New Writers Should Watch Out For

    Tweet {photo credit} You’re new. And confused. The world is your oyster, but you don’t know where to start and which one’s a dud, and which one’s holding the pearl. Don’t worry. We’ve all been there. Even as experienced writers, we sometimes slip and fall into the cracks. The good news is that there are a few red flags you can take note of now to prevent the white flag of giving up down the line. Here are five: 1. The client who wants to be your best friend. I’m all about making friends and being friendly with new and…