• Writer Tips

    Mistakes to Avoid With Publishers and Agents

    In the 14 years that I’ve been writing professionally, I’ve had many ups and downs, as well as yikes and oops moments! It’s pretty much a part of my daily regime and definitely a huge slice of my writing journey. I love sharing all the embarrassing faux pas I’ve made because I want to pass down the wisdom to you. So you don’t make the same mistakes as I have. Here’s hoping. That’s why I pulled together a list of things I’ve done. Some were understandable errors and others I wished I had known better. But all have taught me…

  • Writer Issues Solved

    Don’t Make These Rookie Mistakes

    The Internet would have you believe we’re all shiny, happy writers. We’re perfect and typo free. The truth is the longer we’ve been in business and the more successful we are, the more mistakes we’ve accumulated. In the 7 years I’ve been doing this, I’ve pumped out prose for companies and publications I’m pretty proud of. That doesn’t mean I haven’t made my share of embarrassing mistakes. Here are 2 I hope you never have to make: 1) Applying to everything. When I first found jobs online, actual writing jobs, I got a little apply happy. In other words, every…

  • Expert Series - For Entrepreneurs - Writer Challenges - Writer Issues Solved - Writer Tips

    5 Social Media and Common Author Mistakes You Might Be Making

    {photo by} You’ve worked really hard on writing that book, conceiving a new idea or blogging, but you still haven’t seen results with your efforts. Literary agent Kevin Small who I interviewed in part I of this post, sets us straight this time with the unintentional mistakes you could be making that’s sabotaging your career. 1. You’re undisciplined. Yikes. Has Mr. Small been reading my blogs? Yes, folks. He didn’t quite say that us writers are “lazy.” In fact, he said he wouldn’t use that word, but that we have a tendency to be “undisciplined.” I would like to add…