• Expert Series

    5 Ways to Boost your Writing Productivity

    Guest post by: Level Up author Rochelle Melander My first book came out twenty years ago. For years I’ve juggled coaching, editing, writing, teaching, parenting, and having a life. And even though I’ve gotten better at managing my time, I’m finding it increasingly more difficult to get it all done. My clients face the same struggles. As they strive to run their businesses as coaches, consultants and freelance writers as well as building a platform and promoting their books—they struggle to find time to write. Why is it so hard? Writers have always had to manage writing and promoting. Most…

  • Inspiration - Writer Tips - Writing Topics

    Making Sense of the Madness: Steps to Inspire Your Next Great Idea

    I haven’t been blogging here lately because I’ve been in a whirlwind of writing. I realized while lying in bed that there is madness to my process. I can drum up ideas quite quickly and when I do, there are a few steps that fuel my inspiration through the hard, stuck, I-can’t-write-another-thing parts. I steal moments to write.  Before I had kids, I had all kinds of time to write. But I spent it mostly pretending to write while I lavishly devoured the hours because there were so many of them. These days, I’m usually giving a kid a bath,…

  • Guest Blogs

    Guest Post: How to Motivate Yourself to Finish That Book

      {Guest post by: Jessica Kristie} Each hand behind the pen is different in flow, technique, and ability. The spectrum covers a massive space and the outcome is always different. With all the many walls thrown up and doors slammed, still the greatest hurdle to overcome is often our own inability to continue. We ignore our unique voice and fall prey to the weight of the world’s negative intervention. I have been writing for well over twenty years and it has been only the last five to seven that I have been fully dedicated, and giving the attention my pen had…

  • Guest Blogs

    The Holy Trinity of Writing

    {Photo credit} Some days I feel oh so lucky! That’s what I felt with author Dina Santorelli asked me to guest blog for her and then sent me this jewel of a post here. If you’ve ever wanted to be an author, then you’re in luck too. Read her inspiring story about how she completed half her first novel in about 6 weeks! All you NANAWRIMOs out there will appreciate this one. On August 9, 2010, I completed my first novel, Baby Grand.It was one of those wonderful, fulfilling moments when you not only finally achieve a career milestone, but…