• Writer Tips

    5 Unexpected Ways You Should Be Looking For Writing Gigs

    Finding writing gigs used to be a job on its own. I needed a full-time job to pay for the full-time writing job I was supposed to have. It was a ton of work and not much return. But that’s sort of to be expected when you’re just starting out. However, I quickly learned there were avenues of the freelance writing job search other writers were not taking advantage of. Here are a few less travelled paths that could help you find more freelance writing work no matter what stage of the writing game you’re in: 1.  Online ads: I’ve…

  • Freelance Writers - Writer Tips - Writing Topics

    “If I Knew Then…”: Top Tips for Writers

    I just read Careerbuilder’s article, ‘If I knew then what I know now’: Advice for college graduates and found myself nodding my head in agreement. I wish I had, for example, thought long-term about my career, realized my passion sooner and pursued it with the kind of ambition and energy only someone in their twenties has. And then I realized the same thing could be said of my writing career. I can’t go back in time and redo my college experience nor my writing one, but I can share with you what I learned thus far in my career as a…