• Writer Resources - Writer Tips

    Quick Creative Writing Exercises

    A few weekends ago, I headed out to my first ever writing retreat class. It was great to gab with writers and nosh on good eats while taking in the view of the breathtaking mountains on the Windward side of Oahu. Besides all of that, I got a lot of practical tips to get the writing flowing. I thought I’d share a few things I’ve learned with you. Inspiration from Music The first one’s pretty fun. Just turn on something instrumental, grab a notebook and a writing utensil, close your eyes and let the music direct your pen. The point…

  • Writer Tips

    Quick Tip 6: Turn Your Misfortune Into Fortune

    Hear me out. Nobody likes bad luck. And I’m sure most of us would rather not be published than have something difficult happen in our lives. But not only do I believe writing is one way (and a healthy one I might add) to express yourself in the midst of hardship, I also believe that if you are a writer, this is a good opportunity for you to transform your bad luck into good luck by being able to write about your experience. Think Elizabeth Gilbert in Eat, Pray, Love or Laura Munson and her memoir This Is Not The…