Book Review

This is Not My Home

We read so many picture books at our home so when one is really good, my son and I really take notice. While our tastes may differ, books with heart seem to capture us both. Since my 8-year-old is quickly aging out of picture books, I really savor these moments. Why does the universe make us fall in love with our children only to wrench them from us so fast? But back to really good picture books.

Our Kailua librarian is a genius at plucking unique picture books from piles and featuring them on the bookshelf. I’m not sure if she found this one or I did, but I’m so glad it found its way to our home. This is Not My Home by Eugenia Yoh and Vivienne Chang, published by Little, Brown and Company, has all the feels and deals with a challenge familiar to many kids: what it’s like moving to another place.

It’s particularly gripping because the main character is moving to her mother’s home country in Taiwan. This ups the arc/challenge factor. But it also brings us down to earth in its humor. The beginning, for example, is so kid oriented. Lily’s mother has big news but Lily will have to catch her to find out what it is. The actual news is shocking and we immediately feel Lily’s sense of loss.

Thankfully, this like nearly all picture books, has a happy ending. It also introduces readers to a new culture and since Lily can move to a new country, maybe moving to a new school or city is not such a bad thing.

The illustrations are fun, whimsical and beautiful. It’s a charming book! One that’ll be read multiple times in my household.

My absolutely favorite line is also a gripping page turner.

“I’m sorry. I know this is not your home.”

“But this is mine.”

Ooh I got the goosebumps on that one. When her mother introduces us to her country and then shares how this new life can be theirs, it feels like home. Until over it time, it is home to Lily.

I love this book! It’s great for kids who are dealing with change or if you want to introduce your kids to a new culture.

Writers, take note. This is a great mentor book for how to send a message but do so in a fun, heartwarming way.
