Freelance Writing - Writer Challenges

WordCount Blogathon 2010 Here I Come!

It’s Day 4 of the 2010 WordCount Blogathon. Here’s a bit of info in case you haven’t heard of it. Reporter, writer, blogger, basically media/publishing entrepreneur, Michelle Rafter created a challenge for herself. In 2008, she blogged every day for the entire month of May. Asking others to join in the fun, she created the WordCount Blogathon to gather a community of bloggers with the mission to learn, write and have a great time doing it.

I just joined this year and have been secretly blogging every day on this site as well as my other blogs (not2shabby and 2inspired), to fulfill the requirement. So far, I’ve learned that even when I feel uninspired at times, I can still push through and create a pretty good post.

True, it’s been less than a week. But I think the process has already given me confidence in my writing abilities. Forget about blogger’s block. Feeling a surge of strength and empowerment from the community of bloggers also on this trek (see the list on Michelle’s website) I feel like I can do anything.

Part of the reason is that it’s just like preparing for a marathon. You practice and train until writing as an exercise because a daily habit. Basically you take the fear out of the equation and you get results.

If you haven’t already signed up, it’s already too late to do so. But you still can benefit by blogging along on your own blogathon or write-athon.

How do you get to your writing goals of writing a book or article?

You start every day with an intention to take that first step. Those small, baby steps add up. Do it now and those daunting goals? You’ll get to them in no time!
