Writer Tips

Drink from the Fountain of Youth

Lately, I’ve been meeting an insane amount of people on Twitter with tons of energy, passion and charisma. The thing they all have in common? Their youth.

In a weird serendipitous way, I’ve also been learning about people with young souls on Ainslie McLeod’s new webinar recently. Young souls according to him, are ambitious, passionate, go-getters. In other words, “the world is their oyster.” They don’t have the baggage of older souls who have been to hell and back. And they’re on this earth to learn how to be and they’re going out there with arms and hearts wide open. In contrast, older souls have already been there and done that and are less ambitious. They’ve already seen the world. Now they want to just sit back and relax.

Which soul are you?

Or should I ask, which soul do you want to be? The one that seems open, eager, and ready to tackle the world? Or the one who could care less and gives others that very impression?

As freelancers, part of your job is to be passionate about what you do. Be conscious of your behavior and whether you’re giving others an impression that you don’t care (e.g. by stating your profession as a writer in a meek or nonchalant way). You could unintentionally be sabotaging your career.

Think of it this way:

If you had the choice, would you hire someone who was passionate about what they were doing or seemed bored to carry out a task?

Speaking from my own experience, most times its passion that trumped my experience card. A lot of times this plays out when I’m initially turned down for a job position, but then follow-up with an email expressing my determination and passion for writing on a particular topic or for a particular client.

On the other hand, if you’re not feeling excited about a potential job, maybe you’d better think twice before accepting it.

Freelancing is an amazing career, but it takes tons of blood, sweat and tears. I work twice as much for several times less money than the average cubicle Joe. But I can’t stop myself from doing it-I really love it that much!

The bottom line?

Before you take that next job think about how much you really want it, then step forth open-hearted and express the kind of excitement and passionate that can only come from a young soul. Then, just see how far you go!
