photo by: RogueSun Media I say “acting” because that’s what all writers feel at some point in their careers. That we are all acting, pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes, pretending that we are actual writers when there are days we wonder if we’ll ever really deserve the title. That’s how I felt on the days I put on my mask and became “the journalist.” Since I got my degree in English not Journalism, I wear that badge with both fear and trepidation. I don’t want anyone thinking that I (god forbid!) am a real reporter less they mock my…
photo by Pieter Musterd The wheels started turning a year ago. My dream of being a freelance writer was beginning to come into fruition. But there was something amiss. My career never really took off until a few months ago after I left a cubicle job for freelance freedom. Part of it was a disbelief that I could really do it and the other part was my attitude with the query letter. I just didn’t like doing it. Scratch that. I despised it.
photo by: Tomm (hmm at Rosa tint) Over the past 3 months I’ve learned more as a freelance writer, than I ever did working in a cubicle. Learning things that I’m passionate about is fun and so I’ve been absorbing everything around me, attempting to learn as much about the freelance writing world as I can. From months of reading, writing and learning, I’ve compiled a list of resources that has helped me and will hopefully help you, get a head-start on becoming a successful freelance writer.
photo by: HarryAlverson It’s time to say goodbye to October and hello to November! My how time flies. One of my past co-workers shot me an email, giving me an update on his life. Since I left the corporate world about three months ago, he happily received a promotion. That got me thinking-what have I been up to since then?
photo by: brykmantra During my short stint at a private investigator, I had the opportunity to face my fears. I was afraid of a lot of things, but being determine wasn’t one of them. Several months into it, my supervisor called me a “bulldog” because he said I didn’t let go of the target once I found it. In retrospect, I think it’s the same stubborn perseverance that has kept me writing thus far.
Photo: Steve Wampler Oh the things that freelancing has taught me! Some of the things I’ve learned are the importance of keeping good business records, receipts and tracking all my queries. If it was ever beneficial to be organized, it’s now! But another gem came from the wisdom of other freelance writers. From discussion boards like those on Writer’s Digest and LinkedIn, and invaluable chats with people like fellow writer Jordan Rosenfeld, I’ve learned the secret of keeping my head above water, and my wallet out of the red. It’s called, “diversify.” In my lil interview with freelance writer, editor and…
I was going to start this post with something like, “How to Know It’s Time to Say Sayonara to Freelancing and Take That Full-Time Job” but I realized I’m no expert in the area. I am, however, going through this same situation and know other freelancers who are going through it as well. The question we’re all asking ourselves is, “Do we sacrifice our freelance freedom for regular pay at full-time job?”
or do they? With magazines folding left and right, hundreds of staff writers being laid off at newspapers, there’s more than enough reason to panic. After all, if all the good experienced writers are suddenly out of work, where does that leave us freelancers? Don’t give up just yet! Although it’s tempting to give in to the wave of panic, reacting out of fear won’t make things better. In fact, you might be setting yourself up for future regret. Think of it this way. Remember when you were single and lonely? Or how about really hungry, let’s say starving? What…
When you’re staring at a blank screen all day and listening to nothing but the sound of time passing by, it’s difficult to be a freelance writer. Then you get days like today. By some stroke of luck I had the chance to connect with one of my writing idols. Can you imagine my excitement when contributing editor and columnist for Writer’s Digest magazine and fiction writer Jordan E. Rosenfeld invited me (!!!) to chat with her over tea and dreams? Yeah, pretty surreal! Fortunately I got some of her inspiring words down here, which I think is great advice…
Photo by: TCM Hitchhiker Sometimes the word writer and monster feels like one and the same. You’re all alone. People think you’re weird-at least you think they think you’re weird. You spend all of your time holed up researching online, in the library, reading at cafes. You send out letters asking people for work like a desperate fiend needing his next fix. Most of the time you wonder if, like Shrek, you’re the only monster in the woods. Is there anyone else out there going through the same things as you?