Writer Issues Solved

Circuit Training for Your Brain: How to Do Everything as a Writer

Got too many plates up in the air?

I hear you.

Writing while you’ve got other things to tend too can be exhausting to say the least. But this is the problem:  Those plates?

They still need to get done.

You’re going to have to do all of them (marketing, editing, writing, transcribing, etc.) and still do them well too.

So I’m going to let you in on a little secret. {Something that’s helped me power through articles, blog posts, queries and cover letters.}

I’m a jumper.

Not the adventurous parachuting kind.

But the “I’m a writer and I only have two hands” type.

It’s kind of like circuit training for your brain.

This means I work for let’s say a half an hour on transcribing. Then I switch to listening to that free webinar on making it rich as a writer. After that I read a few blogs. Then I get back to transcribing. You get the picture.

I’m exercising my brain muscles. Trading off between various activities so that I use different parts of my brain. This gives me the energy to keep going and the inspiration to obtain new ideas.

If, on the other hand, I have a deadline for one project. I might power through that set focusing on one task at hand. But then I’ll give myself the rest of the night to relax.

I’ve found this to be the best way to manage multiple tasks. Alternating between various tasks, helps me feel a little bit less tense and more relax. Two very important things when writing.

In the end, I’m able to do a good job on every one and still keep sane.

How about you?

What do you do to keep organized and on tasks when deadlines mount and pressure rises?


2 Comments on “Circuit Training for Your Brain: How to Do Everything as a Writer

  1. Hi Emily,

    If what you’re doing works for you, then keep doing it! For some projects, I do work straight through, but then kind of how I mentioned in the post, I take a long break afterward. Hope you have a great Monday!

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