Freelance Writing

How to Beat the Procrastination Monster

To do list by Great Beyond

photo via Great Beyond

There’s been a ton of buzz on the web lately about balance and schedules and how to keep up to par with the Jones’s, now that they too are all online.  So what’s the secret for getting things done when you are a stay at home freelancer like me?

Unfortunately, there’s no secret formula.  I admit that like everyone else I succumb to bouts of procrastination every now and again.  The lure of online sales, blog feeds and Twitter updates are hard to keep at bay especially when stress comes calling.

What I do have are tips that can help all of us get a bit more focused and centered so that we can spend more time working and less time goofing off.

Have a plan.  A few days before the beginning of a new week, I sit down to decide what are musts and what are wants.  Although I’m well aware of the fact that “God laughs when we make plans,” I also know that it is the only way I can make sure that things at the top of my list will somehow get done.

Schedule it in.  Using Google calendars serves two purposes: 1) It makes me feel like I’m all so important since I usually have every hour of every day booked and scheduled. 2) It sends me hourly reminders of what I need to do next.

You live and learn.  To do lists, online calendars, stickies and notes can only do so much.  Learn first of all what reminders help you.  Then through trial and error discover what is possible for you to get done on any given day.  This means don’t try to schedule 10 things to do on your to-do list if you can only really get through 5.

Plan fun.  Okay it might not be spontaneous but I heard once that couples should schedule in sex so I think fun applies as well.  Maybe the reason why we’re shopping online or becoming a Twitter fiend is that we are in desperate need of a break.  Schedule time once a week or if that sounds like it’s out of the question, at least an hour a day for yourself.  That means, “Step away from the computer!”  Having fun is important for yourself and your business so make it top priority on a weekly basis.

As I’m writing this I’m also checking my email and Twitter simultaneously.  Another great tip that I need to follow?  Try to do one thing at a time.  Focus and you’ll not only get done faster but you’ll do it better.
