Business of Freelance Writing

It’s Not All About You

Fortune TellingI went to a new writer’s group last weekend. I was on a hunt to find like-minded folk locally and decided that since it was 2010, it was about time. Though I was full of gusto and excitement of meeting new writing peeps, the group left a lot to be desired.

The two guys who showed up were really nice and all and all I felt comfortable and supported, but it just wasn’t a good fit. The one thing that stayed with me was something one of the members said. He commented that a lot of poetry was “self-absorbed.” That stuck with me and made me question how much of my own writing was a form of narcissism.

The desire to be heard, the glory of the written word and the recognition that writing sometimes brings, all makes writing a self-indulgent gift. Yet, none of it has to do with making a living as a freelance writer or does it?

If you are just starting out, you may have to take a step back. Think about what you can provide for your client instead of what your writing can do for you. In one of my favorite books Steering by Starlight, Martha Beck says to think up 3 words to describe your perfect life (career, relationship, etc.). Then visualize bringing them into the worst parts of your life.

I think that also applies to your freelance writing career. If, for example, I want to provide a service, be inspirational and informative, I need to focus on writing for others instead of writing for myself. Visualizing being helpful, bringing something to the table and providing a service in an area where my career is lacking has definitely helped me to tackle new opportunities in a more positive, rewarding light.

That doesn’t mean I can’t write a self-indulgent poem here and there. I think writing for the sheer pleasure of it is an important part of keeping writing fresh and inspiring to you. But when you transform your life from writing as a hobby to writing as a career, you may need to give up your ego so that you can inspire and touch a bigger audience.


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