• Business of Freelance Writing - For Entrepreneurs - Freelance Writers

    What to Do When You Get a Bad Review

    {flickr photo by: khaybe} Just last week I read an author’s tweet about her lackluster review on a movie based on her book. And several weeks before that, a writer expressed her frustrating over feedback from an article she wrote. Bad reviews are a part of life. They can happen whether you are a writer, entrepreneur or a 9 to 5 employee. I certainly have had my fair share. But what do you do about them? {Besides run under the covers and hide.} Basically, you have 3 options: a) Sulk b) Quit c) Suck it up I’d opt for the latter…

  • Writer Challenges

    The Reality of Writing

    {photo credit} If you already know writing and getting published is tough, skip this post! As for me, I think I’ve only recently discovered the depth, cruel intensity and psychological battle that can only be described as real writing in the trenches of hard work. After more than a decade of writing (maybe even two), you would think I’d get this by now. But the realization only hit me after I started my own writer’s group. It’s been an experience that I wished I had done sooner. Although there are several reasons why I believe the members of my group…

  • Dreams - Writer Issues Solved

    What a Psychic Told Me About Freelancing

    I had somewhat of a revelation tonight, which is why I’m fighting back droopy eyes and fatigue to stay up and finish this post. I went to a psychic-something I have done in the past, partly because I believe in it and also because as a writer doubt creeps in and out of my life and I need the validation. I’m glad I went because what she said really got under my skin. I was anticipating sunny, glowing tarot cards predicting wealth and a prosperous future (really I was). But my enthusiasm was quickly quelled when I saw dark cards…

  • Freelance Writing

    What Acting as a Reporter Has Taught Me

    photo by: RogueSun Media I say “acting” because that’s what all writers feel at some point in their careers. That we are all acting, pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes, pretending that we are actual writers when there are days we wonder if we’ll ever really deserve the title. That’s how I felt on the days I put on my mask and became “the journalist.” Since I got my degree in English not Journalism, I wear that badge with both fear and trepidation. I don’t want anyone thinking that I (god forbid!) am a real reporter less they mock my…