Writer Challenges

The Reality of Writing

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If you already know writing and getting published is tough, skip this post!

As for me, I think I’ve only recently discovered the depth, cruel intensity and psychological battle that can only be described as real writing in the trenches of hard work.

After more than a decade of writing (maybe even two), you would think I’d get this by now. But the realization only hit me after I started my own writer’s group. It’s been an experience that I wished I had done sooner.

Although there are several reasons why I believe the members of my group are true gifts to me professionally and personally, it’s the teamwork and camaraderie that’s focused on picking up the pieces of my work and rebuilding it, that makes me really treasure this group.

Through slicing words, questioning phrases, discussing the structure of a story, the weekly working and reworking my words like an abandoned Humpty Dumpty, I’m being forced to face my own demons. And that’s the reality I never expected.

When you go deep and take off layer and layer of insecurity built up over years of struggling as a writer, underneath there’s more “stuff” that needs to be dealt with. The stuff that comes out as false confidence, or the belief that you’re an impeccable writer, but just haven’t really written yet. It’s the realization that maybe you haven’t gotten published, but it’s because you haven’t given it all you got. But the real truth is your fear of failing or being thought of as a fraud, that’s sabotaging your efforts to truly succeed.

The funny truth is that the word I used up above “impeccable” once scared me silly. A teacher told me that my writing was “impeccable” and I immediately assumed he was criticizing my work. With eyes downturn, I nodded and walked away. Then, I ran home to look up what the word meant. I realized he was complimenting me and felt more than silly about my reaction.

Thankfully, I’ve come a long ways since then. I no longer fear criticism, am open to the realization that I am neither a genius nor am I a fraud.

I am just a writer working hard to get published. And that, my friends, is the real truth about the reality of writing.


4 Comments on “The Reality of Writing

  1. Thanks Anne! I love what you’re doing with your website and appreciate you hopping over here to comment. I definitely think it takes some time to develop these skills and am grateful for the opportunity I have with other writers at different stages in their careers to really understand the difficult road new writers have to take.

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