• Business of Freelance Writing - Freelance Writing Jobs

    The Secret Sauce to Freelance Writing Success

    I’m pretty sure you’re going to be disappointed when you read this. Why? Because the title made you think you’re getting the answer to quick, fast, and easy success. I’m going to be honest with you. Although books and blogs like to sell you sexy solutions, the truth is it’s all a marketing ploy to nab your cash. I know because I fell for it too. Truthfully, just like there’s no secret to holiday weight loss, there’s no secret to doing well in freelance writing. Here’s the bottom line: You want to do well? You need to leave an imprint…

  • Business of Freelance Writing - Freelance Writers - Freelance Writing

    Get Off Your Writing Couch and Do Something!

    Thank you Stephanie and Jan for reminding me about 2 things: 1) To keep up this blog! 2) To be more compassionate.  Their comment comes on the heels of a short answer I compiled for O magazine. If you want to read my little published shpeal on compassion, it’s right here. But the main reason I’m writing this is that I think too many of us get comfy in our writing couches and stop taking chances. Maybe we had HUGE dreams about what it would mean to be a freelance writer and since we didn’t achieve them, we kind of…

  • Business of Freelance Writing

    The Freelancing Lessons You Don’t Want to Learn the Hard Way

    If life is one big class, then I got a lot of my lessons solely from being a freelance writer. As I reflect on these last 5-years, I’d have to say while it hasn’t been an easy road, it was a necessary one. Hopefully, you won’t have to stumble in the dark as I have. Read up on what things I wish I didn’t have to learn the hard way. Get clear about whether you’re getting paid or not. Money is an uncomfortable issue. And when you’re first starting out, you just feel grateful for getting any writing job. But…

  • Dreams - Freelance Writers - Freelance Writing

    The One Thing You Should Be Doing as a Freelance Writer

    When I wrote this list of easy ways I increased my chance to freelance writing success, I neglected something BIG. In fact, it was the number one thing that helped launch my career. And the fastest. Just this past March, I wrote about how I was on the fence about this one. Looking back, I’m patting myself on the back and singing my “hallelujahs” because had I not done so, I might be singing a whole different tune today. How I Became the Lone Wolf When I started freelancing about four years ago, I was way behind the pack. Writers…

  • Business of Freelance Writing - Freelance Writers - Freelance Writing - Writer Tips

    Easy Ways to Increase Your Chances of Freelance Success

    While I’m hardly one to call myself a success (unlike this couple), I have picked up a few learn-as-you-go tips that have seriously change my career and my life. To be honest, my freelancing career started without any preparation, focus or long-term planning. I basically decided one day that it was time to stop waiting for my life to happen and start living it. Although it’s been a rocky road, I have never had trouble finding a writing gig (*knock on wood) and have succeeded in getting bigger and better jobs throughout my career. I must have done something right.…

  • Business of Freelance Writing - Freelance Writers - Freelance Writing

    Not to Be a KillJoy – But Here’s the Truth About Freelance Writing Success

    It could be a fad or maybe I’m just more aware of it now. But does it seem like everybody and their brother are trying to sell you something? Here’s my guilty confession. Every morning when I open my email, there is usually about 90 spammy emails staring back at me. Except Google can’t catch the spammers I actually subscribe to. I understand that everyone has to make money. And I bet a lot of those people are selling really good things. In fact, I would be lying if I said I hadn’t invested in a few. But when I…

  • Writer Tips

    Day 3: Christmas Gift for Writers

    It’s Day 3 of my gift to you writers out there! A lot of writers believe that they are out of the game because they are lacking in experience. But here’s my next Christmas gift tip for you: Find a loop hole. Think about what you have to offer a potential client that your competition can’t. Think about the time you can give, the passion you have for the position, your “I’ll try anything” attitude, and you might just score yourself a job and steal that ball away from those with more experience than you. Here’s how I did it:…

  • Business of Freelance Writing - Writer Issues Solved

    How to Make Money by Writing for a Living: It doesn’t have to be an either or thing.

    I’ve become enamored with Martha Beck’s book, “The Joy Diet: 10 Daily Practices for a Happier Life.” Knee deep in chapter 4 (Creativity), I’ve been filled with mind blowing concepts that has thrilled me to no end. One of the titillating tidbits made me question my own freelance writing business skills and I thought I’d share the wealth with you. I’m sure you already know that your thoughts control your actions. Saying to yourself hundred times of day, “I’m not good enough to make it as a freelancer,” for example, will inevitably help your thoughts become reality. But I know,…